Match Made In The Park

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Rylie pov

3 months later

Okay so it's 3 months later and me and Ryan are doing great. I moved into Ryans place right after the car accident. Which come to find out some people from the police showed up and said that the guy that hit us was hired to hit us by selena gomez. So now we're pressing charges against her and there no way in hell she'll win because we have the driver in custody and he's willing to testify against her to get less years in prison.

Other than that everything is totally fine. Actually the Press let out a statement saying that Justin broke up with selena gomez. Who cares. Right.

Actually we threw a party celebrating the fact that she shouldn't be bothering me anymore since she's not with Justin anymore and she should have no need to make my life a living hell since I've moved on and she obviously hasn't. But anyways other than that everything has been going great me and Ryan have been together 6 months now and we're supposed to go on a vacation in st Thomas hopefully nothing will happen.

So today were leaving and we're going to the airport and we're going on a private jet.

During the plane ride I fall asleep because I'm so tired and then I wake up because Ryan jumped and I see a a person in a ski mask in front of me. And the person takes it off and it's that stupid bitch selena gomez.

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