The guests gathered up to their designated doing the usual compliments and the usual unnecessary questions.

"Haruhi-kun! You look so cute in your kimono. You almost look like a girl in it." I heard some of the girls squeal.

'Bish is you blind? or is you blind? She's clearly a girl.'

I laughed and talked to some of my guests shaking the feeling of being watched.

'Is it just me or the whole club room is watching me from a shadow. I have this feeling ever since I became a member of the club.'

I couldn't help it so I excused myself from my guests and went near a potted plant.

'What? Dude I really am sane right?'

I pushed past some of its leaf and found what I thought was located at the ceilings. A security camera. A small one, like a webcam.

'So I wasn't crazy afterall.'

I picked it out and smashed it with my two fingers like a little helpless bug it is and went back to the table.

"Unfortunately, nothing is scheduled at present." I heard Kyoya said as the twins butted in their conversation.

"The club makes much of it's money from the sales of promotional items, right?" The twins asked which made me turn my head in curiosity

"The promotional items themselves are poor photo collections by amateur hidden camera shots." Kyoya replied.

'Oh~! So that's what the cameras are for.'

My last set of guests where done and I started to roam around the club room to look for more cameras to stumble on an emotional Honey and Takashi moment.

'What's with the fake tears?'

I walked up to Haruhi and gave her a questioning look but she shrugged.

Then she bumped on Kaoru who happened to be standing out from nowhere. I went near the two and noticed they were talking about eye-drops. Kaoru then gave Haruhi something which made her stood there looking at it with awe.

Tamaki out of nowhere appeared giving her lots of those things which made me furrow my brows.

'So those tears in Tamaki's eyes are fake too huh?'

"Are those fake tears too?" Haruhi asked which Tamaki reacted about rambling things about being a genuine host whatsoever with no one bothering to listen to him. Poor Haruhi.

I gazed at the area near the doorway and saw a girl looking at our direction. I stared at her for I don't know how long when the club finally noticed her presence.

"Huh? We have a brand new guest." the twins synced and rushed towards her flirting with a rose they got from a void in stories where the characters get things out of nowhere.

Tamaki then followed leaving us sighing and face-palming.

Suddenly, I was enchanted by the words I heard from her.

"NO! Don't touch me you phony!!" she yelled as she pushed Tamaki away from her. 'You go girl!'

"You're a phony! I can't believe that you are the prince figure in this club! The prince character doesn't go spreading his love around so readily! How can you be so stupid?! It's almost like you're a dim-witted narcissist! Incompetent! Commoner! Disgusting!" She rambled as Tamaki moved around with arrows sticking him and ended with a lightning strike.

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