Chapter 15

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Authors Note: I'm sorry guys, it was killing me leaving this story to ruins. So I went back and fixed it. Now its worthy of reading. Thanks guys!  Vote, leave love!

Emma P.O.V-
I could hear Milah and Killian right outside the front gate talking. I quietly slipped on my jacket and snuck down to the basement. I crawled out the window and ran all the way to Granny's. I burst through the door to see Regina, Robin, and Gold waiting for me. "Its starting. Lets go" I managed to get out between breaths. "Hold on Emma. We have something to tell you." Regina sighed. "No! I heard Milah say she was ALIVE! She touched him Regina." "I believe I can explain." Gold smiled. "What did you do?"I didn't even want to give him the benefit of the doubt anymore. "Oh Miss Swan, no faith? Calm down dearie, while I am the cause, it's to save your pirate." "But you hate Killian!" I hissed. "Ah, yes very much so. However Belle still can't know I'm the dark one, so I figured helping would buy me some more leverage. And a friend came and asked for my help." I looked at him like he was off his rocker.  No one asked for his help. And we weren't friends.  I was about to sass back when a black figure coming from the back, caught my attention. "Merlin?" I almost fainted. "But...Bu-Bu-But you're dead." I managed to stutter out. "No dear, Killian didn't kill me. He just hid me. Put on quite a show too. The dark one and the fair maiden here found me." He smiled and pointed to Regina. dark ones trick, dark onea lie. I thought to myself. The fact that he did it must have gotten lost in the memory spell I put on him. "How did you figure this out?" I asked her. "Um, Neal." she responded cautiously. No time to worry why I was just learning this now. She would have a lot of explaining to do later through. "Ok, I'll give you the quick version." she basically read my thoughts. "Well Miss Swan. Merlin and I took care of Nimue  Wasn't hard, she doesn't possess the powers she told Milah that she did. She just used her to get to you. I then made Milah believe I was on her side. She was quick to believe it given my history with the pirate. I tricked her into believing she was alive, just a simple spell. Almost like a glamour spell." Gold finished. "And right now she thinks she had Killian's half of his heart, thanks to my brilliance when we first got back." Regina cut back in laughing. "Well I guess we better get back to Killian before she finds out its fake. Get rid of this wench once and for all!" I hissed and started out the door. How bout we go back an easier way" Regina laughed waving her hand and filling the air with purple smoke.
We were back in my living room. Robin walked over to the window and slowly moved the curtains. "Damn, Killian is good. They are still standing there." He laughed. I flickered a light to let him know we were ready, thankfully armed with more amuntion then he knew.

Killian P.O.V-
I saw the light out of the corner of my eye and knew I was time. God I hope this works, I gulped. "Milah. Can we go to my ship and talk. I really feel I have some things to tell you. And obviously you have some things to tell me. And I think we will both be more comfortable on my ship" I begged. With that we appeared on my ship. "When did you start doing that?" I asked. "Oh it didn't take long with a little help from Rumple. Or the crocodile I believe you call him." Crocodile. Why the hell was he helping her? "Oh you're so cute when your the last one to know!" She laughed. "See hook. I followed you and the princess into the portal to the underlying. A friend had told me that's where I could find Nimue. She and I had something in common. We needed you to pay. And in much worst ways than the underworld. Once I found her she explained to me she not only had the original dark one magic. But when you killed Merlin, guess who got his powers." "Nimue" I cringed. "Exactly, and with these powers combined she is now the leader of the other side. She can do anything she wants. There is no one there that can stop her. She also can trade people at will. All she needed was help removing her banishment. Which thanks to your portal, was handled. Sorry, I believe I was traded for Belle's father. Rumple suggested him." With this she laughed. "So, Belle's father is dead." I said, still somewhat confused. She shook her head yes. I knew I was suppose to be distracting her. But honestly she had done all the distracting and I was a little worried about that. So I did all I could think to do, though its the last thing I wanted to do. I reached out and grabbed her. Pulling her within inches of me. "Well, since you're alive now that makes this easier" and I kissed her.

Emma P.O.V-
"They are gone" Robin said returning from the window. "Its ok, hopefully that means the plan is working and they are on the jolly roger." I said. With this we headed out the door. We knew to sneak in we would have to walk. We couldn't just appear. We slowly crept up the back lines of the ship as to not enter from the main steps. I knew they would be too loud. We crawled across the deck to the steps heading downstairs. I went down first and got down on my hands and knees. I had grown so use to this ship I even knew where not to step because that board would creak. As I crawled over to the captain's quarters I peaked through the secret spy hole. I couldn't believe what I was seeing. They were making out. Anger washed over me. I was insane with jealousy amd knocked over a pan. CLANG!  I heard Milah speak. "Hook, shhh, I hear something. I don't think we're alone. Did you plan something?"

Killian P.O.V-
I didn't know what to say so I tried to sound confused. "What? No. What are you talking about? I don't hear anything Milah" I said. "Shhh!" She shouted. I tried pulling her back into me. But she startes creeping closer to the door. God I hope Emma is here reading my thoughts. "Emma. Baby I love you. She knows. We have to do this now, or never" I said to myself. And with that she, Regina, and Robin burst through the door. Milah quickly picked up a sword and held it to my neck. I tried to look scared. "Oh, Miss Emma. You are here. Seems you and your boy toy here, just don't know when to give up. Tisk tisk. Its ok, because you're quiet predictable. Now you can watch your prince die, twice" she laughed. "You have to have our heart, or at least his half to kill him" Emma quickly replied. With that, Milah pulled out a box. When she opened it my half of our heart was there. She quickly tried to put it back in my chest but I broke free and spun my fingers so a white ball of light formed. "How did you.." Milah started. But before she could finish Rumple appeared in a cloud of smoke in the corner of the room. "Took you long enough! You were suppose to meet me after I stole his heart. Help me Rumple!" Milah screamed.

Emma P.O.V-
I was so mad at Killian. Then out of no where I heard him talking to me. I realized I was hearing his thoughts. We burst through the door. Milah still had no idea Killian had powers. Suddenly she pulled out Killians heart. Or what she thought was Killians heart. He drew a ball of white light just as Rumple appeared. It was clear immediately that she believed his ruze. "Aww dearie, sorry to disappoint" he laughed. Drawing his own ball of flames. "Rumple! You've always been such a liar! How could you! " Milah screamed. "Well, yes. You see. Miss Swan over here is very convincing. She was very determined to get and keep the pirate here. And I had to follow along. And well she does have the evil queen for a step grandmother." he replied. I smiled over at him. Then I walked over to Killian. His gaze still on Milah. I whispered in his ear "I know you didn't want to kiss her. You were just staling and I forgive you Mr. Jones. But I have a good reason for taking so long." with this I smiled against his ear and turned my head to face Milah. I raised an eyebrow and smirked just as Killian does. Then I walked over to Milah. I snatched the box from her hand and pulled out the "heart". I held it in my hand for a moment. Looked back at Killian and crushed it. Milah gasped. Soon she realized Killian was still standing. Grinning like he always does when he's proud of me. Holding his flames. I backed away and Regina and I drew our flames. "What the hell is going on!" Milah screamed. I laughed for a minute. Then said "See Milah. You are the failure here. Hasn't anyone ever told you heros always win? Belle's father is still alive. You just have a spell cast over you.  You're not actually alive. Thanks Rumple by the way." He nodded smiling. "And Killian and I have had protection spells since we returned to this world. They protect our hearts to keep people like you at bay. And since people are always trying to take them, Regina made sure to put out some decoys. Rumple disposed of Nimue. Seems she lied to you. She never had Merlin's magic. She couldn't because Merlin is still alive. And he helped Rumple." With that Merlin appeared. I thought Killian would pass out. "How?" he whispered. "Ill explain later." I whispered back. " And Killian. Is now a savior. Seems he's certainly traded up since you" I smirked, continuing. With this we all twisted our arms and threw our magic. Milah was gone on a flash. You could physically feel everyone's sigh of relief. Killian pulled off the necklace and placed it in his pocket. "Thought you weren't going to hold onto that" I laughed. "I guess it comes in handy sometimes" he said smiling his gorgeous smile."How?" he asked Merlin. He took Killian to the side and explained what had happen. I could see the relief on Killian's face. He turned back to me and smiled. "Hey gold" he said. Never taking his eyes off me. "Hmm" Gold answered. "I'm gonna need to stop by the shop later and buy a ring" Killian said. Regina screamed with delight and grabbed me. Robin shook Killians hand. Gold just laughed and agreed then he and Merlin disappeared.

"Granny's?" Regina asked.

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