Chapter 8

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(Present day)
Emma P.O.V-
We all had returned to main street. People were carrying out their usual business like nothing had happened. There was no sign of the intruders. After several moments of akward silence I turned to Killian. "She can't have you. And im not going anywhere." I said. "Baby I wouldn't let anyone hurt you or take you from me for all the stars over the ocean. And I'm certainly not going with Milah. I didn't in the underworld, I'm not now." He said trying to reassure me. Just then Milah appeared in a cloud. "Ah, you said my name. I knew you would come around eventually. Come my love." And with that she waved her hand. Nothing happened. She looked at me stunned. "But, you gave her back her magic. Why is NOTHING working!" She screamed! "Because I won't let it!" Said Zelena suprising us all. "But this dark magic is suppose to be stronger than light magic! Milah yelled. "Ah, you stupid woman. Yes, but unfortunately for you I don't have light magic. I have wicked magic." Zelena said and started to move her arms in a circle motion. With that Milah retreated. "Zelena!" We all shouted. "I know, I know. I'm just full of suprises aren't I" she giggled. "But why would you want to save me?" Asked Killian. "Oh I don't. But before you so stupidly gave up your dark powers you kept me a part from the crusade back to the underworld. You didn't allow the dark ones to mark me. I can't let you have something over me. Now, were even" she hissed and disappeared. "How the hell did she get back" Robin and Regina said in unison. "Oh god, Lana (Robin and Zelena's daughter) we have to getbto the her before Zelena does" Robin yelled as he took off running. Regina sighed and reached out for him. Once she had him in her grasp she puffed a cloud of purple smoke around them and they were gone.

Killian P.O.V-
As everyone was focused on Zelena and her end game I was lost in my own thoughts. I heard what Zelena said but I couldn't stay focused on it. What was Milah's deal now? Yes. I chose Emma, but she didn't use to be this vindictive. Or did she? In that moment I realized I really never knew that much about Milah. "Crocodile" I said suddenly breaking from my thoughts. "Pirate" he said. "We need to talk" I told him. Emma reached our for my hand. I playfully rubbed her knuckles and kissed them. "Keep these warm for me, love" I said smiling at her. And with that, Gold and I were off.
We arrived at Gold's shop. Thankfully, no one else in sight, not even Belle. "What can I do for you now?" Gold said sarcastically. "We need to talk about Milah, the old um, before me Milah" I stuttered. He reluctantly started to tell me about the day they met. How beautiful she was and that the way she smiled at him that his heart nearly lept from his chest. How they fell in love in an almost romeo and juliet(who ever those people were) love story. Her father disapproved of Rumple. He said he would never amount to anything. And how they had run away to a near by kingdom to marry in the cover of dark. How they have been living so happily with balefire when the orger wars started. And then he told me we had reached the end, because after that is when I happened. I found myself blushing. "Crocodile. When did Milah become so, well, decided on hurting people?" I asked. "Well pirate, when I found you had lied and she was still alive I saw you really did love her. And I decided when I killed her not only would you have to hurt the rest of your life but even when you found another she would lurk around the corner." He replied. "Wait? You did this to her?"I asked. "Oh, I thought you loved Miss Swan. Such feelings you're showing for Milah Mr.Jones" he gave me a smirk. Oh god! What had just gone through my head. Did I still have feelings for Milah. No. But I did love her at one point. And that did give me a reason to be concerned about what Gold had done to her. "No crocodile, stop twisting my words" I replied quite angry. "Oh no need to be upset. I'm sure Miss Swan will understand" he laughed. I jetted out the door before I tried to do something stupid and headed to find Emma. When I finally reached her I saw Gold standing before her. Laughing. "Crocodile! What are you doing!" I screamed still across the street. "Oh, im just explaining the situation you two have dearie" he said. "Emma, wont believe you" I said. "But how can you be so certain?" He questioned. "Because of our secret in the underworld" Emma finally chimed in. She walked past Gold to meet me. Taking my hand she smiled and we disappeared in a cloud.
Emma P.O.V-
As soon as Gold arrived without Killian my mind started to worry. But I kept telling myself. He can't hurt him, I know he can't. He tried convincing me how they went to talk about Milah and that Killian had broke down and realized he still had feelings for her. And that Killian had said he couldn't face me and that Gold felt I needed to know. Just then Killian appeared, running down the street. He looked so worried, which he should know better by now. I reassured him and poofed us to our house. "Love, you know.." I stuck my fingers to his lips, stopping him. "Killian, I know your inner most thoughts now. Remember? I know that you care what happened to Milah and why Gold did this to her. But I know you are not in love with her" I said with a reassuring smile. "Im sorry love, I forgot, this is all new to me" he said stepping forward and grabbing my waist. Oh Killian I thought. This is not the time to get all sexy. "Swan, I can hear you." He had the biggest grin on his face. Almost ear to ear as he leaned down to kiss me. "But, you cant hear my thoughts." I said. "No, you're talking out loud." He said laughing. I hid my face, embarrassed. He quickly moved them and picked my up by my waist and sat me on the kitchen counter. Knocking everything off into the floor. "Killian, we have insane dead people stalking storybrooke and we have no idea what they want" I said pushing him away. "Swan, they have done without you for a week. And 28 years before that. 1 hour won't hurt" he smiled as he kissed me again. Even though I knew this could end badly I didnt care. I couldn't get enough of this man. I couldn't be near him for this long and not touch him. I ran my fingers slowly up the side of his face until I reached his hair. I wrapped my fingers in it and pulled his head back. He gave me one of his sexy irish moans. He slowly started raising my arms and pulling my shirt over my head. He then reached around and l undid my bra, letting it just fall to the floor. As I reached to unbutton his shirt he picked me up and slammed me into the wall passionately. He then put me down and held my hands above my head. "What are you doing" I giggled. "Showing you, I belong to you Swan." He replied. Kissing me down my neck and slowly moving towards my left breast. As his tounge ran circles over and around my nipple. He released my hands and unbuttoned my jeans. I threw my hands back in his hair grabbing fists full. He slid his hand down my pelvis and moaned when he felt how wet I was. "Oh Swan, for me?" He asked playfully. Just as I pulled his head back up to my attention the door opened. David and Mary-Margret walked in. I screamed, jumping behind Killian and leaning into him. "Oh my god!" They both screamed. "Emma, is this really the time for this" Mom asked. "Um, sorry, we were, um, stressed, and um,"I stuttered. "I was showing Emma how much I love her" Killian said proudly. "Yea, uh, can you step back out for two minutes, my clothes are, well, over there" I said pointing across the kitchen. They both walked out the door not very pleased. "Omg Killian!" I shouted. "Calm down Swan" he sulked towards me. "Can we finish" he whispered in my ear. I smacked his shoulder and shoved out of his reach, picking up my clothes. I gave him a dirty look as I got dressed. He walked behind me as if he was going to head towards the door but stopped. He leaned down and started kissing my neck. Wrapping his arm back around to where my jeans were still undone. I knew he had to stop. But I couldn't help it. He was amazing. I moaned loudly "Oh Killian! Dont stop" as he reached my spot rubbing his fingers over it. "EMMA!" I heard from the doorway causing us to jump. "We have to get back to the business at hand" shouted a very unhappy David. "Ha, I am focused on the business at hand" laughed Killian. I didn't want to smile but my body forced me. "We need to go" David again shouted, shooting Killian an I'm gonna kill you later look. I quickly finished getting myself together and smiled at Killian. "Well finish later. I love you" I said. "Uh Swan, my princess. As you wish" he said playfully. I giggled as we exited the house and entered the overprtective yet embarresed dad glares. "You're lucky we weren't Henry" David said as I walked by him. "We will lock the door next time" I laughed walking away, taking Killian with me by the hand.

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