Chapter 14

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Milah P.O.V-
I knew one of the dark ones would have the magic and power to get us back out of the underlying, but the part I needed them to fill in, was how to get back to Storybrooke. "Since Killian killed Merlin, I have his power" Nimue said as if reading my mind. "How did you know what I was thinking?" I asked quiet confused. "With Merlin's power comes not only seeing the future, but a bit of mind reading as well" she responded. "So, you can read everyone's mind?" I asked, still trying to understand what she was saying. "Only those without any form of pertection spell." She said. With that she gave me a wink and pointed towards the door, as to say lets go. "My guards say your love and his wench have returned to the underworld, so its time." She insured me. With that, we were off. We stopped at another building that I didnt see before and she walked in only for a moment. When she returned she had 30- 40 more cloaks with her. "Just incase I have some baggage I need to bring back" she said with a terrifying laugh. So terrifying I almoat thought about stopping the whole thing. Baggage was not part of our plan. She and four other cloaks start chanting and waving theirs hands. Before I can properly blink we are back in the forest of the underworld. "Well, lets get started" Nimue said, brushing past me as though she was in charge now.

Emma P.O.V-
"Killian, Killian. Wake up honey, its time" After our rounds earlier he had fallen asleep laying in bed with me. My alarm had gone off to let me know it was almost time to get this plan going. I used that term loosely, because I wasnt a fan. But the alarm didnt seem to phase him. I leaned down and kissed his lips. To my surprise he began kissing me back. Pulling me back down on top of him on the bed. "That will have to wait my love" I giggled to him. He grunted but got up. "Killian, I just want to be honest, before this whole thing begins. I'm not a fan of this plan. It honestly scares me to death." I had to tell him. I felt he needed to know. "Honey, I know you're not. But I trust you, and I trust Regina. I know that the two of you can do this, you don't even need me to finish this." He said, kissing my cheek. I pulled away and glared at him. "Say something else. That sounds like you're saying you're going to die again. And Killian I can't go through that. If you died, I would follow you and die to be in the underworld." Now there were tears streaming down my face. "Emma, I'm not saying goodbye. I'm just telling you I trust you. Even with my life in your hands. But, if something does happen this town needs you. Your family needs you. You had better not die, just to come with me." He said growing angry. I didn't even reply. I just knocked him back on the bed and hugged him. I could hear our heartbeat in unison. I don't think ill ever get use to sharing a heart with my true love.

Killian P.O.V-
I knew Emma was upset. I knew she didn't want to do this. But I didn't want her distracted. Because if something happened to me while she was distracted, she would never forgive herself. I couldn't believe, wait yes I could, that she was willing to follow me again. I wanted to tell her to just let me go this time. But I knew there was no arguing with her. And I knew it would just upset her more. And she had to focus. Not just for my life. But for everyone else's. I looked at the clock. Crap. "Emma" I said slowly raising up her head. I realized for the first time that my shirt was soaked from tears. "I have to go" and with that I was out the door. A cold front had moved in, in the last few days. It was a little too brisk outside, so I grabbed my leather jacket. I reached for the front door but stopped. I pulled the necklace out of my jacket pocket and placed it on my neck, tucking it under my shirt. I turned around once more facing Emma. I was suppose to pretend to get in a huge fight with her, but before that could happen I had to say something. "Emma" I began. "We will start this fake fight in a second. Before that I have to say something. I love you Emma Swan. I love you more than anything. I love you more than I have ever loved anyone in this life." I took a couple steps towards her and she ran to me. "I love you too! You are my truest love. No one has ever brought my walls down like you. No one has ever cared for me and protected me the way you do. Killian Jones, you are my one and only. My soulmate." She quickly kissed me but I pulled away. I knelt down to one knee, eventho I had no ring yet. I knew this was the time. "Emma Swan, if we make it through this. Will you do me the honor of becoming Mrs. Killian Jones."  Tears started to form. "Of course I will Killian!" She screamed hugging me tightly. "Ok, now. Lets get this over with so I can buy a big white dress" she said giggling.

Emma P.O.V-
I thought I was going to pass out. He wants me to be his wife. This gorgeous hunk of man. This amazing pirate who puts my life before his and risks everything to be with me instead of running away. He wants to marry me. We had to get this over with. I couldn't wait to walk down the isle! "Killian! How could you! You said you loved me! How could you want to be eith her!" I screamed as he opened the door extra wide. It was hard to fake fight with him when all I wanted to do was take him back upstairs! "Emma, I'm sorry. She was my first love. I never truly stopped caring for her. And all this back and forth with you has made me realize I can't do this. Too much danger follows you." He said. Trying not to laugh. "But we share a heart! I thought we were true love soulmates!" I returned. "We were. Or I thought we were. Until I realized I could have her back. Emma you can have your half back. I don't..." I cut him off. "Just get out" I screamed. I wanted to reach up and kiss him but I knew she would be watching. So instead I slammed the door in his face and sent him a text.

Killian P.O.V-
Text from Emma:
Hardest thing I've ever done. See you soon. I love you!
Mrs. Killian Jones.
Don't smile like an idiot. Don't do it. I said to myself. Good thing I stopped. Suddenly Milah appeared. "How long have you had a protection spell on you?"she asked. What a random question. That was not when I expected, at all. "Milah I'm not in the mood. Just go away" I tried to pull her back into the plan. "Did Emma put the spell on you or Regina?" Persistent wench. "What protection spell? Milah what the hell are you talking about?" I asked quiet confused. "Nimue shared a secret with me. I can read minds. Unless they have a protection spell. Your mind is silent..." She moved closer placing her hand on my shoulder and whispering in my ear. "I know your heart is hidden but how are you keeping your thoughts from me?" "Milah, I have no idea what you are talking about. But since when can Nimue read minds? What happened in the underlying" I snapped and grabbed her wrist. "And how the hell can I hold you. You are dead!" I screamed starting to silently worry. "Ah, you only assumed I was dead" she laughed yanking out of my grasp. "What the hell happened in the underlying" I was yelling so loud now the whole town could have heard me.

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