Chapter 10

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Killian P.O.V-
Why did I still have Emma's magic? I thought. Why didn't she take it back? I broke her heart. Please tell me she didn't leave me with it because of her love for me. "Oh Emma" I whispered. "Yes" I heard in the quietest voice. I opened my eyes to see Emma hunched down next to me. "Shhh!" She said holding her finger to her lips. "But I...but" I tried to say but she quieted me again. In a whisper she looked deep into my eyes and said "Killian. If I didn't love you, I wouldn't have come her to get you. I wouldn't have given you half of my magic and I wouldn't have risked turning you into a dark one in the first place. And if you didn't love me you would have let the dark ones mark me. You would have plunged excaliber into me. Instead you handed it over to me and risked everything for me. You came here, to save me. Im not stupid." Wiping the tears from my face. "Killian. I love you" she said matter of factly. "Emma Swan, I love you too!" I said as I pulled her to me and kissed her. She backed away and looked at me again. "We have to go, just you and I we have to do something before they realize you didn't follow their plan. And then we have to get the hell out of here!" With this we both jumped up and ran out.

Emma P.O.V-
I know Killian was hurting and I knew instantly he was lying. Hello superpower I thought to myself. I pretended to leave. Made sure I made a good show and headed out the door. After I was sure that they were gone I snuck back in. I knew what had to be done. I told Killian I had a plan and with this we left. We snuck back out to the edge of the treeline where everyone was waiting for us. "Regina I need to talk to you, alone" I said motioning her off to the side. We walked a ways away and I asked her if she still knew how to get in and out of the underlying. "Why the hell do you want to go there" she asked horrified. "Just trust me, I have an idea. I just need to know how to get in and back out!" I said. She reluctantly told me. But didn't seem to happy to tell me or that she was going to have to make up a lie as to where Killian and I had gone. I walked back over to the crowd and took Killian by the hand. "We need to talk" I said as I pulled him away. We walked further into the tree line where no one could see us. I closed my eyes and held up my hands. "Killian, you told me to never make my magic do something. So I'm asking you to hold your hands up to mine" I said calmly. He agreed and did as was instructed. I started to chant. I could feel the wind moving and Killian and I starting to twirl. "Swan what the hell is happening" a worried Killian asked. But before I could answer we landed. In the underlying.

(Present day)

Emma P.O.V-
Killian and I walked back into town quietly. When we reached grannys everyone was standing waiting on us. "Omg, we couldn't find you" David screamed. I reached up and touched his face to make sure he was really David. We explained what had happened, leaving out what they interupted. "How are the kids?" I aksed Regina. "Fine, and under a protection spell and this time Zelena is back in oz to stay. Hopefully" she laughed. "Well, Killian and I have a plan. A plan to save this town." I said. "Killian and I?" Asked David sounding quiet confused. "Yes, Killian and I" I said looking over at Killian. He read my mind, eventhough I'm the only one who's suppose to be mind reading here. And I knew it was time, time to tell our secret. "Remember when we disappeared in the underworld?" I asked. Everyone agreed. Regina backed up. Already knowing what we were going to say. "Well, we went to the underlying" "what!" Everyone screamed and started yelling different things all in a jumbled mess. "HUSH!" Regina screamed. "Let them talk." I looked over at her and gave her a thank you look. "You knew about this" screamed David. But I cut Regina off. "We had to have her help. And I made her swear to keep it a secret. Because I knew you would over react before you heard the whole story. We went to the underlying to protect everyone. We did something while there. It took us a bit, but without any problem we found it" I said. "Found what?" Asked Mary-Margret. "This" said Killian pulling a necklace from under his shirt. "Oh my god!" Shouted Robin. "The Rihader!"

Flashback, underlying

Killian P.O.V-
"Swan? Why are we here?" I asked. Quiet worried and confused. "Shh." She said. She then explained to me that if we stayed quiet the people of the underlying would go on about their way and never notice us. Part of being in the underlying is to loose yourself. She explained to me that we had come to get the Rihader. A necklace I heard of long ago in Neverland. I remember Peter Pan had wanted to take a journey to find it, but never could. It takes all the powers of one and shares it with another, who is wearing the charm. "Now we don't have to share half my magic. We can both have all of it, and I can't control how you use it. As long as you are wearing the necklace you have control of your own." She whispered. "What the hell Emma, I dont want any of your magic" I huffed. "I know, but as long as we are here we both are going to need you to have it. Once we get home you can return the necklace to me if you wiuld like." She said. I knew she was right so I followed her into the darkness.
We walked a short ways and came to a tunnel. After following said tunnel we came to an opening. Just sitting there was a chest. "Emma wait" I said reaching out and grabbing her. "This is way too easy, this has to be a trap". "No, see Killian the whole thing is a trap. The only way to open the lock is to open it together. And you have to be each others truest of true love for it to open." She said smiling at me. "Im really your true love?" I asked doubting her feelings for me. "Well lets see" she smiled taking my hand. We both placed a hand on the chest and waited a few seconds. Slowly it began to open. I looked over at her heart racing a million miles a minute. "I love you Emma Swan." I said. "And I love you Killian Jones" she replied. With that the chest flung the rest of the way open and the necklace rose out. Emma took it and kissed it. Then me, then placed the charm around my neck. Suddenly I felt weak. I dropped to my knees still holding Emma's hand. I closed my eyes and then felt more alive than I have ever felt! Whoa! I thought. This is how Emma feels. "Yup, sure is" she said laughing. I looked up at her quiet confused. "As long as you are wearing the necklace, I can hear your thoughts" she laughed. "Oh really" I said with a smirk. Winking at her. "Not now Jones! Lets get out of here. But I need your help to do that." She said.

Back to present day

Killian P.O.V-
I knew her family would be pissed. But I knew this had to be done. It would take more than just Emma and Regina to stop this. Granted I didn't want to be the one helping and I wished Emma would let me give this necklace to someone else. She had insisted that I be the one. Even now. I swear this woman had a power over me like no one else. Litteraly. I said to myself looking over at Emma who was smiling because she heard me. "So, there are two saviors now?" Asked Henry. Honestly. His opinion was the only one who I cared about. I had come to think of him like a son. I really cared for the boy. "Um, yes I guess so" I responded. "In the old relics in the library it says you can only procure this item if you and your true love open the chest together." Belle said. "Thats right" chimed in Emma. My eyes were still fixed in on Henry. "Oh thank god!" Henry suddenly shouted! Emma and I were both taken back. As well as everyone else in the room it seemed. "Dad!" He screamed running towards me. Im sure I looked stupid looking around for Neil. He then hugged me. "Dad?" I asked. "If thats ok with you. I know Neil is my father, and it wasnt his fault he wasn't there and isn't now. But you have stepped in to love my mom. And have showed me how to be a man and do so many things." He replied. "Henry, you may call me anything you wish. But know this truely warms my heart." I said.

Emma P.O.V-
I was busting at the seams. Omg! Henry. Calling Killian DAD! I thought I would pass out. But since I knew good things didn't have peace in this town. I quickly turned to Killian. "Well savior? Are you ready?" I asked almost laughing. He gave me a dirty look and took my hand. I guess it was the time. Time to save Storybrooke.

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