Chapter 2 - Dweeb-O/Dwayne

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     I arrived at work with two minutes to spare. I parked my automobile and headed inside the Agency with thoughts swirling inside my head, wondering what this important meeting was about.

     The Agency is a four story high building with the words "Cell of Detectives Agency" planted on top of the roof in big bold letters. But don't let the size of the outside fool you, because inside is pretty crammed up with a low ceiling. The cubicles where we work are fixed into a tight space, so you won't get much privacy while you work.

     The first thing I realized as I arrived inside was that the building was empty. I looked at a nearby clock with the time reading fifteen minutes past ten, the meeting had already started and I am fifteen minutes late. I spun around on the balls of my feet and dashed through the main halls until I came to a halt in front of a door labeled "Staff Room".

     I gently placed my forehead against the door and listened to the conversation that was being said in the meeting. Oh, didn't I tell you that we listen through our foreheads? No? Well we do. As I kept listening to the conversation going on inside, I saw the doorknob turn and before I could lean away from the door it was quickly yanked open. I gave a loud yelp as I fell face first into the large room ending the conversation that had started. I hesitantly looked up and quickly counted twenty detectives.  All eyes were fixed on me. Head Detective Hann wasn't anywhere in sight.

     "Uh, sorry that I'm late. I uh, had a little um, automobile trouble," I lied, which is my worst enemy.

     To tell the truth, I didn't know what I was expecting. Maybe I thought I would've been told off by the detective who was in charge until Detective Hann arrived about my tardiness, but instead, everyone just resumed their conversation around the big oval table as if nothing even happened. I got to my feet and heard a soft hint of laughter to the left. Surprisingly, I was not surprised to see that the alien who had opened the door was no one else but Phan. He would do almost anything..... wait, let me rephrase that, he would do anything to embarrass me and make me look like a fool.

     "I loved your entrance Dweeb," Phan laughed softly,  almost close to tears. "No one has ever managed to look as big a fool as how you've done."

     I pushed past Phan and his annoyingly big-headed self and went straight to an open seat around the large table.

     "It's about time you showed up," whispered a female detective, sitting on my right hand side.

     "Yeah, sorry Detectress Shanya. I had to uh, drop my mom off at the um, spa for her beauty makeover," again I lied.

     Detectress Shanya is the General Detective at the Agency. She's very pretty and has long straight blue hair with which she always wear a red ribbon in. Her detective uniform makes her look tall, but in reality she is about the same height as a twelve year old human kid.

     "I thought you said you had an automobile problem," she said sarcastically.

     Man she's smart!

     "Yeah, uh, that too," I whispered, sweat now running down the side of my face.

     I don't know why, but I always stammer alot when Detectress Shanya is around or when I'm talking to her. Yes, I know what you're thinking and before you ask, No! I do not have a crush on her. Well, maybe I do. Just a little. Anyways, even if I did have a crush on her, it wouldn't really matter since she doesn't seem to notice me. Oh, and to make matters worse, she's the Head Detective's daughter, did I mention that? So that's like a big deal breaker for me.

     "Awww, you are so cute when you try to tell a lie!" Detectress Shanya excitedly, yet softly said.

     I gave a short, soft nervous laugh and said. "So..., what's this meeting all about anyway?"

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