Chapter 1 - Dweeb-O

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A/N: Hey everybody, my name is Joseph Morris. I am 17 years of age and am attending highschool. Today I've decided to write my very first book called The Golden Diamond. It is a fantasy book and I hope you all like it.
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Chapter 1 - Dweeb-O

First things first, I'm an alien. Yeah, I know what you're thinking. You're probably thinking that aliens do not exist or they are not real. Well, I'm sorry to disappoint you, but we are real. Very real.

My name is Dweeb-O and I live on a tiny little planet just south of Mars called Gugaloo. I work at the Cell of Detectives Agency, where I am known as a rookie detective.

Now, when you think of aliens, you probably think that we are evil, scary looking monsters with six arms and two antennas on top of our heads that wants to take over the world. But to be honest, you are way off. We aliens are built like you human beings with two arms and two legs, short and tall, skinny and fat. But, we are a little different. For example, I am a slim alien with huge, full black eyes, a small nose and a very big, round head. I have deep sockets on the side of my head where you humans ears should be. My head is placed on a neck that's about two centimeters long with scrawny shoulders. I've got a flat chest and a big belly that makes me look like a two month pregnant human woman. So, yeah, I think you get the general idea on what we look like. Anyway, back to the real reason why I'm about to be sent on a mission, a mission that just might cost me my life!


I was just about to insert the key into the lock to get into my one bedroom apartment when someone spoke up behind me.

"Hey Dweeb, aren't you going to that meeting at work?" asked a short, chubby alien named Phan.

Phan is also a detective and sort of my friend, except that he loves to play jokes on me and tries to boss me around.

"For the last time Phan, my name is Dweeb-O not Dweeb and what meeting are you talking about?"

"The meeting Head Detective Hann mentioned seventy-two hours ago," replied Phan, with a roll of his eyes. "He said it was very important and everyone who works at the Agency needs to be there."

"Then, if it was that important, why didn't he just hold the stupid meeting on the same day?"

"I don't know! Why don't you go ask him, you brained-washed animal?"

Phan insulted me with a laugh as he kicked me behind my knee causing me to kneel before him.

I was just about to tell him off when he ran out of the building and said "Meeting starts in thirty minutes. DON'T BE LATE!"

I groaned out loud as I got to my feet. You know, for a skinny alien, I'm not that athletic. I tried to do a front flip once, didn't work out. I landed right on my face. Surprisingly it didn't hurt much.

Anyway, I unlocked the door to my apartment and went inside to freshen up for this big meeting that Phan had mentioned. I laid down the groceries on the kitchen counter and went to my room, passing a photograph of my mom taken years ago. She was a beautiful alien with long green hair and full green lips. In the photograph she's holding a new born baby, yep, the baby's me. My mom is smiling in the photo but there's sadness in her eyes. Sadness left there when my dad was killed in a fire that went out of control. My mom won't tell me much about what caused the fire or where it was, trust me, I've asked. But she keeps giving me the same answer as always, that I'm too young to know what happened or that I'm too young to understand. Oh please, when will she realize that I'm three thousand and two years old, I'm definitely not a kid anymore and surely I'm old enough to understand.

"Dweeby is that you?" I heard my mom shout from somewhere in the apartment.

"Yeah mom, it's me," I yelled, tearing my eyes away from the photograph. "Where are you?"

"I'm in your bedroom."

I walked into my room and there she was, looking all old and everything, with her hands on her hips and her left feet tapping the ground.

"Is everything ok?" I asked.

"Is everything ok he asks. No, everything is not ok, because someone forgot to make their bed this morning before they went out."

Oh, did I mentioned that my mom is such a neat freak? No? Well she is. She goes completely nuts when I accidently leave some worm juice on the kitchen table. Sad isn't it?

So, let me sum things up for you.
● Dead dad,
● Neat freak mom who doesn't do anything or go anywhere but outside to
fetch the newspaper,
● Me with a boring job that has a lousy pay roll,
And, an annoying neighbor.
Yeah, you get it, MY LIFE SUCKS!

My mom sighs and that brings me back to reality.

"Well?" She asks with her hands still on her hips.

"I'm sorry mom," I apologized. "But you rushed me out of the house to go get some groceries remember?"

"Yeah, well, you could of at least made your bed before you left," she said.

"I'm sorry," I repeated. "You know what, I'm gonna do it right now."

"No, I've already done it. Just make sure it doesn't happen next time alright?"

And with that last sentence she kissed me on my forehead and walked out of my room.

After mom left, I forgot all about our boring conversation and went to freshen up. I took a shower with my favorite snail slime soap, brushed my teeth with troll spit tooth paste and dressed up in my detective uniform. In about 15 minutes time I was fully dressed and ready to go.

"Hey mom, I'm stepping out for a while," I said. "I'll be back in about an hour or two."

"Where are you off to?" my mother asked stepping out of her room.

"Head Detective Hann has called a meeting and I'm suppose to be there in about 10 minutes. Luckily my job's only a 5 minute drive from here."

"Ok, be safe!" my mom yelled as I exited out of the apartment.

"Always am, " I whispered entering into my automobile.
I buckled up and in no time I was off to work. Little did I know that what was about to come, may be the last time I'll ever see my mom again.

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