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Mya's POV

I smiled looking at the love of my life, Darius. We had just hit the highway and we're heading to visit his parents. Our wedding was in 4 months and we had to meet with his parents for the cost arrangements. My parents had past away 2 years earlier in a car crash. Of course I was devastated but with the help of Darius and his parents I was able to pull through. I mean I was the only child and my grandparents had died years earlier.

How rude of me, let me introduce myself.

My name is Mya Wade and I've been dating Darius Jackson for 7 years and have been engaged to him for 1 and 1/2. I'm 25 and African American and Asian. Darius although he sounds black is actually 100% white.

"Are you ready to be Mrs. Jackson in just 4 months babe"

I smiled and nodded.

"Of course I am. I've been waiting for this day for almost 7 years."

Yes me and Darius had been dating for 7 years. Had I not given him an ultimatum we would have still been dating.

I reached over and kissed his cheek trying not to distract him while he was driving.

He leaned over and kissed me and right at that moment a semi truck came out of nowhere hitting my side full force. The car flipped I don't even know how many times. When the car stopped I could hear Darius calling my name faintly.

Darius's POV

When the car flipped I tried to reach for the phone and call 911.

"Mya......Mya" the dispatcher answered.

"911 what's your emergency" I told the lady what happened and she tracked my phone. The ambulance came. A neck brace was placed on my head and Mya was rolled out more faster than me.

I watched as the semi truck driver was arrested for drunk driving. I sighed. If anything happened to Mya I don't know what I would do with my life. She was the love of my life and I prayed that she would be alright.

4 Months Later

I stood above her hospital bed and held her hand. Today was suppose to be our wedding day.

"I miss you" I cried. "Everyday I wake up and blame myself. Why did I have to kiss you. How could a stupid kiss do this to you." I cried.

I looked down at my attire. I was wearing the suit I had brought for the wedding.

"I'm wearing the suit. Today was supposed to be our wedding day. You know everyone misses you, especially me, can't wait to see your smile, or your big brown eyes."

I was about to say something else when the nurse I was so used to seeing walked in. Before she could say anything else, I began walking out.

"Yeah yeah, visiting hours are finished"

*Darius Jackson~ Alex Pettyfer
*Word Count~ 506
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