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        On August 15th, a baby polar bear was born. This was not any other polar bear, it had a very serious stomach disease, it's digestive system was a little off. The poor polar bear couldn't eat, and had a very slim chance of living. This little bear was given all the fish imaginable, for he was a very lucky polar bear. Sadly much of the fish went to waste, and the little bear was starving. The little bear's parents did all that they could to help the little bear. After many attempts the little bear was finally eating, but the portions were miniscule. The family of bears had lived three good years together, once the Bears had felt that there baby bear was ready  to  hunt for himself, they allowed the small bear to roam on its own. The bear was used to having food ready for him, so when he found a spoiled fish he believed it was ok to eat. The bear ate the fish, and later died from poisoning.
Dedicated to Katherine Lumbard
By: Bookman107

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