Always Together,Never Apart

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Kayden's P.O.V.

Jake and I were going through I guess what you could call a rough patch at the moment. It's like he wouldn't leave me alone...... Like ever. I'm not complaining at all, I could spent every second of everyday with him and be content. The problem with that is saying it and it actually being true are two different things. Jake literally won't let me out of his sight,and when he did, he was constantly calling or texting me. I had been spending the night at his house every day for the past week, him claiming that he couldn't bare the thought of sleeping without me.

We lay in bed together, his arms wrapped tightly around my waist. He would kiss my neck and whisper a small "I love you" every once in a while. I have to use the restroom, so I carefully remove his hands from me without waking him and go. Once I get back he's sitting up in his bed, rocking back and forth with his knees to his chest. His brown curls were all over the place, as he pulls on them when he gets really scared or nervous. My eyes widened at the sight. What the hell is going on? I walk up to the bed and sit next to him.

"Jake, what's the matter? Are you alright?" I ask.

He was breathing kind of hard so I rubbed his back in small circles, just how he likes. He looked straight ahead like I wasn't even there. His eyes were red and his cheeks tear stained. His head snapped up and he looked at me, and let out a huge sigh. He dug his head into my neck and wrapped his arms around he so tight I almost couldn't breath.

"Y-you left me" he whispered,though I couldn't hear him.

I looked down at him.

"What, Jakey? Speak up please." I told him.

He brought his head up and looked me dead in my eyes. He almost looked angry.

"Kayden, you left me. All by myself. Why would you do that? I told you I couldn't sleep without you." He said.

"Jake I only went to use the restroom..." I said, completely shocked he actually meant it.

"Kayden you have to tell me when you leave me. If I don't know, I get....." He didn't even finish and began to cry quietly.

This seemed so unusual, considering Jake was over six feet tall, and was so muck bigger than me. so you'd think he was ashamed of crying, but he held nothing back.

"My poor baby. I don't understand." I said. Running my hand through his hair as my other one rubbed his back.

His head jerked up and he pulled away from me.

"Don't say that! Don't say fucking poor baby! I don't want anyone's sympathy! This is exactly why i didn't want to tell you about my disorder!" He yelled.


"Jake we already talked about the anger stuff it's fine"

"NO! it's not anger stuff." He sighed and out his head down.

"I have a dependency disorder" he whispered.

I looked confused.

"What does that mean ,Jake?" I asked him.

"It's a disorder where once you get close to someone or develops really strong feelings you can't be without them, ever. Basically, I'm obsessed with you Kayden, literally. "

Then it hit me.

All the stuff about Jack. Him walking me to every class and kissing me all the time and always holding my hand. It seemed so normal at the time, I just thought he was overly affectionate.

He spoke again.

"This is precisely why I never kept a girlfriend. I'm not a cheater or a player, people just think I am because I always break up with girls and move on. I just want someone to love. I've never felt real love, not even with my family. I love you more than anything in this world Kayden. I tried so hard not to get attached, but I couldn't help it. Your all I ever want. You make me feel so safe; I know you'll always protect me from the world. Whenever your out of my sight, I get so scared and practically go crazy. " he said as he leaned into me. I wrapped my hands around him and he moved so he was laying on top of me.

"You have to protect me,Kayden. I'm terrified without you." He whispered.

He was kind of crushing me, but I decided that didn't matter at the moment.

I stroked his hair and rubbed his back again. I know he really like that, plus it calms him down.

He sighed. " thanks. That feels so good. He whispered. And dug his head into my neck again and left it there. He eventually fell asleep. I couldn't sleep though. I stayed up wondering how someone so precious could have so many issues.......

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