Chapter Seven-Lexie

Comenzar desde el principio

            I walk away from the counter to the door completely forgetting my order.  The girl probably thinks there is something wrong with me but I don’t care.  There is something possessing me to go to this building.  A moment barely passes and I’m at its stone steps. 

            The building seems hundreds of years old. Its gothic windows make it seem like a church.  With a shaking hand, I reach for the handle and turn very slowly.

            I don’t know where it will take me.  I really don’t know what I am doing at all but it is like there is some force pulling me inside. I step inside and abruptly the air around me chills. 

            Once inside, the first thing I notice is how cold it is inside.  Next, my eyes widen as I notice shelves and shelves of books.  These shelves nearly tower fifteen feet high and there is not one empty space.  The only light that fills this dark hall is the slits on the roof that allow the sunlight to sneak in.  What was I expecting?  The sign did say “library” so there are bound to be books.

            I saunter down the rows examining their contents.  Every book that I am able to read, states first edition on its binding.  Dust covers most of the hardbacks and cobwebs are beginning to form on some of the shelves.

            This must be a private collection.  I conclude as I mentally lose count of all the first editions.  There doesn’t seem to be any book that looks new.  Some look as if they have been bound multiple times and others look in mint condition covered in earthy powder.  My hand glides along the books as I amble to seemingly nowhere.

            “Hello?”  My voice echoes in the silence.  Come on Lexie, you don’t know if anyone is even here.  “Is anyone here?  Can you hear me?”

            My body begins to tremble after a few moments when there is no sign of life.  Fear quietly creeps upon me.  I am unable trace my way back to the entrance.

            “Hello?”  My voice echoes again as my fear increases.  “I just came in here to check this place out and I can’t seem to find my way out.”

            Who am I kidding?  This is pointless, no one’s here so no one can hear me.

            I begin to pick up my pace desperately hoping to see the way out of this abandoned library.  I  feel the sweat begin to build up on my forehead.  Tears start to murk my vision.  I am about to panic when…

            I see a light.  Not the sunlight that comes from above through the crack but an artificial light.  I run to the source and immediately stop once I see it.

            It is a desk lamp perched up nicely on a huge pine desk.  The desk is cluttered with papers and books. 

            On the desk, there is a silver dome.  As I near, the dome is a bell and next to it is sign that reads:  Please ring bell for service.

            My strides towards the desk become feeble.  My hand quivers as I reach to push the silver knob.  I hesitate and pull back.  I cannot resist the need to push it.  It’s like a magnetic force is drawing me in.

            My forefinger slightly presses the bell.  A little ring goes through the entire hall.  Behind me I hear a shuffling noise from the ceiling.  I spin around to see the last of the doves fly through a baseball sized crack through the roof window.

            My heart dies down when I realize it was only birds. 

            “I’m just being silly.”  I mutter to myself.  I turn back to the desk.

The Glass Harmonica (Custos Trilogy, Book 1)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora