Ninja-ing and Cpt. Smexy

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A grunt was heard and more shuffling, "Noora where's Mikhail?" His father yelled and Mikhail's eyes widened, "that internship thing remember." Noora, Mikhail's mother said calmly and Mikhail and I leaned our heads closer to the door to hear.

"That's tomorrow in the morning I want to know where he is now." Mikhail's father said growling a bit towards the end. Mikhail mumbled shit over and over and I pushed one of his shirts towards his mouth to shut him up.

He pushed the shirt away and slowly moved towards the door, my eyes grew frantic and he quickly put a finger to his mouth motioning for me to not say a thing. I pushed myself deeper into the closet as he pointed towards his head. He had an idea.

Mikhail opened the door and said, "what are you guys doing up?" I leaned more further back as I saw his father's leg through the opening of the closet.

"What were you doing in the closet?" His father said with a rough tone. "Grabbing clothes to pack for my trip tomorrow," Mikhail said calmly as he pushed the door closed.

"At this time? Have I not taught you time management, what is this nonsense!" His father yelled, "sorry father," Mikhail mumbled and with that his father huffed and thumped through the room, I heard his bedroom door slamming shut and was about to reappear when I realized his mother was still in the room.

"Make sure you're done with this whole trip thing by next Friday. Mahra and her family will be coming. I expect appropriate clothes and no tardiness, understand?" His mother said and without waiting for a reply I heard the door reopen and then close.

Mikhail grumbled some things to himself before opening the closet door for me, I stopped sniffing his hoodie as he did that because uhm talk about embarrassing.

"Who's Mahra?" I curiously asked as I untangled myself from his clothes and got out. He rubbed a hand down his face before saying, "nobody."

"Alright," I said letting it go thinking she's probably a relative. Grabbing Raif's journal, I leaped onto his bed letting a sigh of tiredness out as Mikhail fixed the heap of stuff in his closet.

"Raif can draw?" I mumbled to myself as I skimmed through the pages. There was one of a stick figure with spiky hair that resembled him leaping off a plane and another of him sitting on a star. Some of the stuff in there was checked off and he had random notes all over the place. His thoughts ranged from checklists to drawings and to random words scattering any and every page.

"How is this in any way going to help us?" I sighed out as Mikhail went and locked his bedroom door. He sat on his  chair with wheels and rolled over to where I was sitting on his bed. "Raifs a weird one but he can be solved. Just look deeper into each page. So the first page for example. He's sitting in a hot tub surrounded by roses. We don't know if he's done that yet or not but look at what's behind the hot tub, like the scenery."

I scanned over the page and said, "cabins and pine trees." He nodded and leaned back onto his chair as he said, "bingo. Now where's the only place in this wonderful country that looks like that?"

"Uhm..Narkin?" I said thinking of the first place that popped into my head, he grinned and nodded, "exactly so that's where we start."

"But Mikhail." I said suddenly remembering.

"Yeah princess?" He said as he got off his chair and opened his bedroom door.

"We're still haram." I whispered following him down the stairs after he shut his bedroom lights and we made it past his parents bedroom.

The window reflected some light off his face and I saw the whiteness of his teeth as he smiled up at me, "don't worry there are billions of mosques."

"Yeah I guess so.." I mumbled as we put our shoes back on and slowly opened the back door. The cold air stiffened up my face immediately and I stuffed my head deeper down my jacket as Mikhail said, "you really wanna get married to me don't ya?"

I rolled my eyes and said, "no. I just don't like shaytaan being the third person when we're alone." Mikhail laughed as he opened the door to his jeep for me.

"You don't have to worry about that much longer, we'll get married at fajr in a mosque out of this town just so your uncle doesn't end up leading the prayers there." He said and I laughed.

After a few minutes of him driving to wherever, the slow yet harsh tune of the wind outside and the warm air radiating from his heater I dozed off.


Very much of a filler sorry! XD

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