13. Liar

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Heroes always get remembered but you know legends never die...

- Panic! At The Disco / Emperor's New Clothes

~ Reyna ~

Reyna's eyes slowly accommodated to the darkness. A few stones were glowing here and there. She walked as silently as possible through the galleries. Once in a while she would hear noises comming to her and she would hide. She remembered by heart the path she had to take. She had seen no one until now, she turned around and saw light comming from the end of the gallery. She walked as slow and as quietly as she could, passing her hands on the humid walls. Drops falling down every once in a while.

" ARGH " pain could be felt in the sudden scream.

"Jason" Reyna whispered. She now was close enough to see him. An imposant figure's shadow passed next to the blonde walking in Reyna's direction. The girl quickly hid behind the wall carefully enough not to be heard. The giant disappeared again and she ran as fast as she could. After a while the exit could be seen.

"Thank the gods" she mumbeled. She walked to her friends. "He's there... I don't know what they want from him... and I don't know how many they are..."

"We have to save him" Piper said.

"Yep no matter what he has to come out alive..." Percy added. Annabeth rolled her eyes.

"It's not like we got a choice to be honest with you Seaweed brain, but we need a plan"

*  *  *

A couple minutes of talking later all had agreed on a plan. Percy, Nico and Reyna sneaked in first, the others would follow soon after. Reyna leaded them through the galleries, as they arrived near to the place where Jason was she signaled it to them, they instantly took their swords in their hands.

Reyna walked in, only Jason was here but she knew that they would soon come. She took some stones and let them fall on the floor. Jason woke up.

"R - Reyna?  I t - told you not to co - come "

"I'm not alone Jay' we're going to save you I pro - " The giants came in , they were extremely ugly and were about twice her size. One of them had stones all over his skin. He was slightly higher than the others and seemed to be their leader. He was the one they had to defeat first... the one to whom the others obeyed, without him they were lost.

"Fooooood" Oh great... they were hungry. The leader stopped them.

"Wait. " he smirked dangerously. Reyna knew that without him she would have been eaten by now. She was thankful, yeah yeah thankful to an enemy... "Are there any other of you little humans? " He questioned.


"You're lying"

"No I'm not lying, I'm alone, all I want is to have my friend back... why did you imprison him anyway? What is he worth to you?"

"Oh it's not him we wanted..."

"Who then?"

"You, young girl, it's you the one we want. We are thankful to you because you came here alone and it's going to be way easier" his deep voice had become the one of a woman. A voice Reyna instantly recognised.

"You... you did all this to bring me here! You're a liar! You could have directly kidnapped me! Why did you have to hurt my friend?!"

"Oh because it was much more fun" Wings appeared in the back of the giant. Big white angel wings. The black eyes changed into an olive green tone and light brown hair appeared on the giants head. The giant got smaller and his body got thiner. His skin changed to a pale human skin tone. It was the goddess - like person who had given Reyna the envelope. If looks could kill the Goddess would have been really dead by now. Reyna's eyes had never been this angry.

"You're a monster a horrible monster. You- you tortured my friend just to get here. How dare you. "

"I dared that's all. It has been a fun game. All the difficulties on your way I had to create... such an enjoyable experience."

"You - you b*tch, you are going to regret what you've done to him." Reyna moved her hands to signal to the boys that it was time for them to come. Water spikes appeared out of nowhere and transpierced two giants at once.

"Tss tss, I knew you weren't alone" the woman's face was as cold as ice, Reyna suddenly realised why, her skin was now a pale shade of blue. Her hair was growing, changing colour to an awfully light blonde tone. Her dress was now white, as if it was made of milions of snowflakes.

"What is she..." Reyna murmured more for herself than for anyone else.

"I'm a shapeshifter, darling." A soft voice said in Reyna's ear. How on earth did she move that quickly. The woman appeared in front of Reyna. Reyna watched as she licked her lips, ready to eat the whole world. Not a second later the presence was behind her again. Reyna felt a sudden pain in her neck, expending in her whole body, she slowly slipped to unconciousness.

~ Nico ~

A shapeshifter, a teleporter and a vampire. That's what she was. Nico's sword went through her skin so quickly that not even her could move, anger could be seen in his features. Blood spurted around. Nico killed half of the giants on his own. The other half had been killed by Percy, Annabeth, Leo and Calypso. Who had joined them not long ago, Piper was kneeled next to Jason who was slowly waking up. Tears ran down Nico's cheeks as he looked to Reyna, the girl was laying on the ground, blood all around her, deep biting marks on her neck. He slowly walked to her and turned her around.

"D - does anyone have a b - bandage?" Nico stuttered. Annabeth turned around to face him and then looked down at Reyna's body. Her eyes widened and she put a hand before her opened mouth.

"Oh my... We must take her away from this place." The blonde girl said. She ripped a piece of her large T-shirt and Nico watched her applying the hand-made bandage on Reyna's neck.

"I'll see you outside" Nico whispered and shadow travelled to the entry with an unconcious Reyna. He then addressed a silent prayer to all the Greek gods, asking them to keep Reyna alive, the girl was between life and death...


It took me some time to write this...

I'm so sorry...

But really there are less people who read, vote and comment... Mylast chapter only has like 50 reads and 4 votes and I really don't know why... If you know whycould you tell me? Because if there is something wrong I wanna fix it.

By the way, there won't be many chapters left.

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