Jeon Wonwoo

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I'm crying because of this... I'm so out of my mind now...

I just want to be happy :'( !!!

But nonetheless, I'm continuing this shitness.


"Jagiya, you ready?" you took one last deep breath and nodded, grabbing your purse and walk towards Wonwoo, you're boyfriend.

You walk pass him, almost looking like you were mad at something. You walk down the stairs with heavy steps, trying to calm your breathing before a hand caught your wrist turning you around and you came contact with a chest.

"Whoa, hey there. At least calm down before we go." he whispered with a chuckle, running his hand through your hair.

"S-sorry... I was just--"

"Hey sweat heart (Shit, you did not--), calm down. Breath, arrasseo? You don't need to think about anything, just look at me." he said and you look up, he smiles caressing your cheek with his thumb.

"I'm ok now." you sighed, looking at his eyes. He lean forward, placing a sweet peck on your lips.

"Now, let's go?" you nodded and he took your hand in his, intertwining your fingers with his. He bring you outside, then help you on his bicycle. "Hold on." he said and you wrap your arms around his torso from behind.

Then the journey to hell begins. And soon you arrived, more fast than you thought, and it really doesn't help you.

"Ok, ok, ok, I'll be good, it's gonna be fine, I'm going to do grea--... No... I'm gonna ruin it all--"

"Not again jagiya." Wonwoo, who's getting irritated, walk up to you and cup your face. "Look, no matter what happens to us, there is no hell way that I'm gonna break this relationship ok? And plus, it's just my parents and I promise you, they will love you." he reassured, his hands caressing your cheeks.

"Ok, I'll stop, but if I failed, I'll kill myself."

"You won't and either if you do I'm not gonna let you kill yourself. You're all I had remember?" he murmured against your lips before connecting them. You smile against his lips and kiss back, feeling him grin.

"Ok, I'll do this." you encourage yourself and he nodded, taking your hand with his. There you two stood, in front of his parent's door.

"Ready?" he whispered and you nodded, before he knocks at the door.

"Wait!" a feminine voice said and the door opened, revealing a woman in her 30's. But to you, she's an angel, full of beauty. You began feeling insecure of yourself, but when he gave your hand a tight squeeze, you felt not thay nervous anymore.

"Hey mom--"

"OH MY GOD WONWOO!!" she exclaims before wrapping her arms around his neck. You instantly move to the side a bit, smiling as the two reunited. "How have you been!? Oh my god you're all handsome now and so hot that no man, of course except your dad, will ever rank above you! oh my god you've grown so fa--"

"Mom, I'm not alone." he said almost choking on his saliva. The hell with his mother's grip?

"Oh!" she exclaims before looking at you, her eyes scanning you. You felt nervous, bitting your lips before her face beams a wide smile. "You're perfect!" she said before grabbing your hand and dragging you inside. You sent a 'help-me' glance at Wonwoo and he shrug, smiling as he close the door mouthing a 'good-luck'.

"Honey! Wonwoo and his girlfriend are here!" she yelled as she made you sit on one of the chairs in the kitchen table.


"What's your name!? How old re you!? How many years did you have a liking to my son when you met him!? Do you love my son!?" she asked and the last question made you smile.

"My name's Y/N. I'm 18. I started liking him as a friend when I met him at the garden of our school because he was my partner in cleaning and I started having feelings for him when he started joining me in lucnh. And yes I love him. Very much that I'd stay at his side forever, who I want to show my fullest concern and love, and to the point that if I have to go and swim a pool full of deadly sharks I would." you answered confidently, smiling at her.

"Y-Y/N?" Wonwoo murmured under his breath before breaking into a smile, he never expected her to answer like that.

"I'm really sorry for my wife asking you questions that are obviously." you snap your head behind, his father stood with a proud smile on his face.

"A-ah it's fine... I'd rather answer than embarrassed myself s-sir--"

"Call me dad, since you love my son." he said and put an arm around a flustered Wonwon's shoulder. "You have a right taste for girls. And she's perfect." he said and you look at your fingers, fidgeting with them.

"D-dad stop it." he said and his parents laugh.

"Ah young love. So, Y/N, want to spent your time with me for a while? I have so much questions for you!" his mother squealed and you smiled, nodding as she took you to the living room.

"You found yourself a wonderful girl." his father whispered as his wife and his son's girlfriend laugh at some topics.

"Thanks. The first time I laid my eyes at her, I already knew she was all I need." he smiled, before receiving a gentle pat on the shoulder.

"Make sure you don't let any guy take her."

"Not a chance, even if it's you!" they laughed, earning a bit of the girl's attention in the living room. Wonwoo approach you after he sees his mother went to the kitchen, starting to make dinner. He sat beside you on the couch, he draped an arm around your shoulders, resting his head on yours as he pulled you close, ignoring the snickers behind him.

"Hey." you said, grabbing his hand.

"About what you said earlier, is that's true?" you chuckled, leaning to peck the tip of his nose, making a small smile appear on his face.

"Every single detail." he chuckled, before connecting your lips.

"That was the first time I heard you say anything like that." he said, burying his face on your neck as he embraces you in a warm tight hug.

"I was shock to myself too. But, it's better that I said that. I didn't want you to feel like I didn't love you anymore."

"I love you too much for that." you chuckled, kissing the side of his head and wrap your arms around his torso.

"I love you too." you whispered before silence invade you.


"Soo, are you gonna make us some grandchildren already?"



//Not letting a single word out of her mouth after the story because she didn't know how to end it//

Hate me all you want...

Haters hate...

I'm going to kill myself later I promise.


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