Jeon Wonwoo

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Baaaaaaaaaacccccckkkkkk... finally... FEW MORE DAYS AND NO MORE CLASSES OH.MY.GOD!!

I don't need to freaking write lectures and others... but still have exam before class ends...

shit my life...


"Look, it's not like I've done things like this before!" Jihoon, or known as Woozi, said in worry. Oh god this boy will never have a good life.

"Seriously... Jihoon, you better go before I kick your ass out of my house freaking out and panicking if you're not even trying." I said and flick his forehead.

"Ow! Ok ok but still what if this plan doesn't wo--"

"Better done than say right? Remember that quote?" I said and he nodded his head vigorously like a kid in front of a kidnapper. "Now go to them and explain what happened ok? And don't look at me like you're a kid in front of a kidnapper. I ain't kidnapper. You're only short and I'm taller." he pouted.

"I'm still older."

"Yeah but your age diesel affect your heig-Ow!"

"Hah. Revenge. You flicked my forehead earlier. Now, pinching your cheeks is better."

"Shut up shrimp-hyung!"

"Giraffe. Kidnapper." he said and I slap his arm. "Owow! Ok ok let's go before my problem gets big and Seventeen will never be alive anymore." I nodded and pulled his hand dragging him to the park where me and Wonwoo planned. Woozi has a ,'small', fight with Seungcheol and he asked me to help him. So I invited Wonwoo. Since I can't do this alone.

(Third Person's POV)

"I'm hella nervous." Jihoon whispered to you while walking.

"Damn Jihoon it's just an apology. We have to. Or the fans will desperate for you."

"I know but. Me saying sorry is not me."

"It's not like you're a clone shrimp." he glared at you and slap your arm. "Ow." you and him have been friends since diapers and until now and you two are always those type of friends who doesn't care if they slap eachother or hit each other but not in a bad way. You always tease each other and you two are like partners in crime. And you are working as their hair stylist. Which was a miracle. And you knew each other's secrets. So, means Jihoon always teases you about Wonwoo. Since you have a crush on him. And that's shit.

"We're here. God. I think I forgot how I practiced my lines." he said and you slap his arm. Yeah. You two slap each other's arms and none of you care unless it hurts very much.

"Jihoon! I made those lines for Pete's sake don't waste it!" you said and he chuckled.

"I was joking! Ow! Stop that!" he said and you dragged him to the field if the park and saw Seungcheol. "Seungcheol!! Yuhoooo!!" you called and he turn ariund, frowning when he saw Jihoon behind you. He was with the others and they're sending thumb ups. "Ok, now you two talk your problems put or I'll kill both of you and the fans will be desperate now." you said and all of you went away giving the two some privacy. You look at Jihoon who was looking at you with a nervous face and you sent him a thumbs up.

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