Chapter 37 - rings rings rings

Start from the beginning

"Wow, so pretty." He sighs loudly, making Louis look up and nod his head with a slight smile on his face. "I wonder what it would like on my finger, you know? I bet it would look very gorgeous." He says after a while, smiling at Louis afterwards.

"Uhm, but isn't that for like, people who are getting married?" Louis asked, confusion prominent in his voice. He makes room for a lady to walk past, bumping into Harry in the process. The green eyed boy suddenly calls over a worker, asking him if he can try it on. "Harry?" Louis observes Harry as he slides on the ring, practically beaming down at it.

"This looks so good, Louis! Wow, I would look great with a ring. Don't you think it looks pretty on me?" Harry rambles, practically shoving his hand in front of Louis' face, causing the older man to back up to get a better look at it.  Louis does the same thing again, looking at it for a couple seconds before looking away with a flustered face. Harrys starting to get angry.

"Yeah, I guess it looks good." He shrugs, lips set in a thin line. He doesn't notice how Harrys' hands clench into large fists, eyebrows so furrowed that they almost touch.

"We should get it!" Harry blurts out, eyes widening after he realizes what he has said. He bites his lower lip slightly, watching as Louis' face contorts into confusion for the hundredth time today—but Harry couldn't blame him. "Like, just purchase it." He says slowly, nodding his head like he's agreeing with himself.

Louis shakes his head, shoving his hands in his pockets awkwardly. "No Harry, we are just looking around today." Harrys smile falls from his face, shifting around on his feet to stop himself from crying or yelling right then and there. "We can always go home and come back some other day—wanna go home?" Louis asks, sliding his hand in Harrys', gripping it slightly.

So, Louis pulls him out of the store, practically dragging him out on the parking lot to get to their car when Harry agrees. Out of nowhere, Louis stops. "Wait, Harry." He gets down on his knee, causing the green eyed boy to gasp and put a palm over his mouth.

Oh my god, is he going to propose? Is this actually happening? Harry asks himself on the inside. I have to think of what our wedding would look like now . . . Maybe have a lot of flowers around on the tables to add more character. We could have it outside on the beach, watching the sunset go down or do the original way that almost everyone does which is get married in a church—

"What? I asked you to wait because I have to tie my shoe . . ." Louis trails off.

Harrys mouth falls open, his anger reaching to the brim. His closes his eyes and shakes his head, turning around and walking away, leaving Louis behind. "I can't believe him. I try to be not subtle and yet, he still doesn't know that I want to get married to his cute ass. Unbelievable, Harry. Just unbelievable." He scoffs to himself as he enters the car, situating himself and waiting for Louis to come in.

"What was that, doll? You just left me there." Louis says as he opens the car door, getting inside and immediately turning on the car, making sure that the heat vent is at its highest level before pulling out of the parking lot. There was silence. Harry was looking out his window, resting the side of his head against it to avoid talking to Louis. "Are you mad at me?"

And of course, Harry doesn't answer, only secretly rolls his eyes. That's how the car ride ends up, no one speaking a word to one another, just the sound of Louis awkwardly clearing his throat once and a while to see if Harry will get annoyed and tell him to stop. He just wants Harry to say something, anything—even if it means yelling at him, because that's better than silence.

Once they pull up to the house, Harry quickly gets out of the car, practically jogging inside the house to get as far away from Louis as possible. "Babe? Stop walking away from me." The blue eyed man yells slightly when he enters, seeing no sign of Harry in the living room. He sighs and walks up the stairs, catching Harry striding to the guest room. "You are not sleeping there."

Harry turns around, raising his hands up like he's surrendering, but he's really not. "I'm sleeping in the guest room for tonight. Oh, and don't stay up waiting for me to come back, because I actually will be staying there, for once. Goodnight, Louis." 

NOTE: sigh would you guys be mad if this happened to you ? like, in harrys point of view ?

also, sorry this was kind of boring, not my best writing—i was lacking imagination at the time.

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