Times Ticking

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And everyone was at the animal clinic. Scott called everyone there, but he didn't tell them why. Scott walked in late with Mason in his hands.

Everyone gasped.

'Oh my god Mason.' Kira cried.

'Lord please help us.' Lydia pleaded.

Scott laid Mason on the table in the middle of the room.

'We have do something quick.' Dr Deaton said. ' Void said he's gonna kill a person every hour so we have 20 minutes until the next death.'

'So what are we going to do?' Cathy asked.

'We are gong to play his game.' Lydia added.

'What?!' Malia exclaimed.

'We going to do what he wants but we are going to trick the trickster. So, Scott.' Lydia said pointing at him, ' you are going to Void, let him believe that you that don't want anyone to die...'

'Tricking him so we are able to capture him.' Scott interrupted.

'Exactly.' Lydia confirmed confidently folding her arms.

'But I still think Void has us in the palms of his hands. What I'm trying to say is that he's not going to be easily fooled or he might trick us pretending he is fooled.' Deaton explained.

'We don't know unless we try.' Kira added. She then looked at the clock. 'Scott it's 9:50pm you only have 10 minutes before he kills again run!'

Scott got his wolf side on. He jumped out the widow and ran on all fours to Derek's loft.

Hopefully he will make it on time.


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