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It was 11:30pm, Stiles was on his bed staring at the ceiling. He was too scared to go to bed, he didn't want to see Void anymore.

'Stiles, you need to stay awake for, like, another 8 hours. I can do that. I think.' He said to himself.

However, slowly he started dozing off.

Stiles woke up in the Hospital. He was sitting in the waiting room.

'You can come in now Stiles.' A male nurse said.

Confused, he stood up and followed the doctor in the room .

Stiles was shocked at what he saw.

His dad was laying on the hospital bed, Sleeping.

'What happened to him!' He was holding back tears.

'He got in a car crash while working.'

'Is he going to be ok?'

'We don't know yet.' The doctor said sorrowfully.

Stiles felt dizzy and lost his sense of balance. He sat down on a chair next to his dad. The doctor left the room.

But someone came in.


'What happened here?' Void said monotone.

'GET OUT OF HERE!' Stiles shouted.

Void stood their looking sympathetic for the first time.

'Please, please, please be ok dad. I need you, you're the only parent I have left.' Stiles held his dad's hand tight.

'I can fix this for you Stiles.' Void said as he sat next to Stiles.

'Do it please.' Stiles begged.

'Just do me one favour.'

'What is it?! I will do anything.' Stiles was filled with desperation.

'Open the door.'

Stiles went silent.

'Trust me stiles I will fix this, just open the door.'

Stiles started hearing Scott's voice in his head.

'Ok.' Stiles agreed.

Voice in his head got louder.

'STILES WAKE UP!' Scott yelled one last time.

Stiles woke up screaming in fear

'I nearly did it Scott!' He cried.


'Void made me believe my dad was dying and that I need to open the door to help him. I was so close to opening it Scott.'

'You didn't. That's all that matters.'

Scott hugged stiles, comforting him.


I guess Stiles forgot to never trust a fox.




Thank you XD

Void Stiles Book2 (TeenWolf FanFiction)Where stories live. Discover now