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Niall's POV

'My parents and I were in England for, 2 days I think? When we got a phone call from your parents
(A/N I normally don't do this but ok it fits kinda so)

'Hello is this Niall speaking?'
'Yes Miss, what's wrong, you know we're on vacation right?'
My heart was beating fast, why are they calling? They never call me.
'We are sad to inform you that your girlfriend has passed away Niall, she committed suicide and is in the hospital right now. If you'd like to be at the funeral you should head back home.'
I tried to hold back my tears, this couldn't be happening, this wasn't true.
'Yes Miss, we'll be home soon.'
I hang up and started crying. Now only asking my parents to come home.

Flashback ended
Heartbreaking, it was heartbreaking. My parents and I got the first flight back home, and once we were I was only around you, well your body.
I cried and I cried, I didn't do anything else. I just sat there holding your hand.
Because god princess, why did you leave me all alone in this sick world?'

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