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Niall's POV

'I remember your first heartbreak, of course my heartbreak already happened.
You and Zayn started dating for a while, I think maybe a month. I didn't like that guy from the beginning.
But I remember you walking to my house at 1 AM.
Throwing rocks at my window. I woke up, the first thing I saw was you, crying your eyes out for that guy. I came downstairs as fast as I could. Before I knew it you were in my arms, crying on my shoulder.
I literally was wearing nothing at that time, only underwear but I didn't mind.
I don't know how, but I got you upstairs. I laid you down in bed, crawling in bed beside you.
You hugged me and still cried, cried and cried. It even was heartbreaking for me to see. He wasn't worth it, I told you, he wasn't worth it for you.
You slowly fell asleep, in my arms, it felt so special for me, but for you it was nothing. We were best friends for that long now that you felt comfortable with me.
But it was special. The girl I love is sleeping in my arms.
I stayed up the whole night, just looking at you. I looked how you slowly breath, I felt your heart beating against my chest.
I didn't want to miss a single moment, because maybe it was one of the most special moments in my life'


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