The Hunt

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Alec POV

Jace. That idiot, where the hell did he go this time?

"Alec, you're making that face again." Magnus said as he takes another sip from his hot chocolate and pulls his blanket tighter around himself. The weather outside is cold, just like every other day of the year. Everything is covered in a layer of snow and the street lights cast a circle of gold on it, making everything seem, softer.

"Sorry." I say, rubbing my eyes with the heel of my hands. We both sit in the living room, the TV off before us. Magnus is lounging back on my velvet couch to my left while I'm leaning over the paper on the low coffee table.

"Baby, you should get some rest." His voice is hushed while he places a warm hand between my shoulder blades. "You haven't been sleeping lately."

It was true. I've hardly slept since learning about Jace's disappearance. I could count the number of hours I've slept this week and the last week and the week before that on one hand. Usually when he disappeared I would call him and one hundred percent of the time he would pick up and tell me where he was and who he was with but this time, I called him and it went straight to voicemail. I've called him almost every hour since but still to no avail.

"I know, but I have to keep looking. He might be in some sort of trouble!" I stare at the map in front of me. Covered in red dots that marked where he might be. Mostly bars and clubs or other areas where he has gone to before when he ran off.

"And if he is in trouble, you being exhausted is not going to help. Come to bed with me, please." The plea in his voice chipped away at the little restraint I had left. The restraint that kept me glued to the map and kept me from going under the warm, soft covers with my loving boyfriend. "Honey, it's late, you need sleep, and I don't want to go to sleep next to a cold pillow." I can practically hear the chipping, urging me to go with him with every crack. "Alec. Please." He puts both his hands on either sides of my face and pulls me to look towards him. A sad smile forms on his face and his eyes gloss over. That face. The face he make whenever he was worried about me. I wonder if he realizes that he's making it. Or if he knows of effect it has on me. "I know you want to find Jace. I do too, but you're pushing yourself to hard. Alec, because I love you, I am forcing you to come and sleep with me." He pulls me up from my seat, and ignores the protest I make as he picks me up bridal style, walks to my larger than King sized bed that I got shortly after he moved in with me, and lays me under the giant, fluffy blanket.


"Shhh, just, shhhh." He crawl under the blanket and pulls off my clothes as well as his own until we are both in our underwear and shifts to lay next to me, purposely blocking my way to the map on the living room table. He placed himself there so I would have to climb over him to get there, and wake him up in the process. "There." He says, settling himself under the covers.

I turn towards him and pull him closer until his head is against my chest and secure my hands on him before I roll over onto my back so he is half on top of me. He moves slightly and is now laying almost completely on me, his legs lay between my own and naturally tangle themselves together. The weight of him is comforting, something to anchor me down to earth and keep me from drifting off. The only thing that's keeping me steady.

"What would I do without you, Magnus?" I say into his hair.

"Stay up for three weeks in a row and drink a thousand cups of coffee every day." His breath warms my skin as he speaks and I laugh on his head, ruffling his hair in the process. If he hadn't taken his makeup off and washed out his hair during his shower earlier, I would have chocked on glitter by now.

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