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Magnus POV

"My sister." Sister. The word echoed in my head.

Didn't his sister help him open this store. Where had she been all this time? And why not of all times to come back? Judging by the tone in Alec's voice it couldn't have been good that she is here now.

Alec walks over to the door and unlocks it, welcoming his sister into his store but staying a distance away from her. They didn't say anything, letting a awkward silence fall on the three. Finally Alec speaks.



"What are you doing here?" Alec asks, walking over to stand closer to me. He stand a hair in front of me and takes my smallest finger in his. One of the many signals we had come up with over the past few weeks.


We had come up with the signals to help us communicate without words.

A tap on the back of a hand meant get ready to run. A hand on the left shoulder meant he wanted to go home. Any touch of hair with only one hand meant bed. A hand at the lower back meant to go with whatever lie they were currently telling. Crossing fingers behind their back meant help with the situation. Little gestures that other people wouldn't notice.

"You told me to come if something happened." Alec went rigged and his hand turned to ice.

"Well, out with it already."

"It's Jace." Alec's hand grew colder at the name.

"What about Jace?" Izzy took a long, deep breath that lasted centuries.

"He is kinda, um, well you see...." Her words trailed off as she fidgeted with her scarf.

"Izzy!" Alec snapped. I could tell Alec was losing patience.

"He's gone!" She blurted.

"What?" Alec released my finger and took a step closer to his sister.

"He's gone!" She said again, throwing her hands up. "Like, poof, gone. He went to get his phone and never came back downstairs. We found a rope made of bed sheets hanging out his window." She said, so quickly that I had only heard a few parts.

Alec, who had moved back towards Magnus, groaned.

"He disappears all the time!" He exclaimed. "He is probably with Clary or something."

Clary? Who's Clary? Wait, never mind, if it's important I'll find out.

"That's the thing. Clary doesn't know either." Alec's whitened slightly, most people wouldn't have noticed it, but it was enough to set me off.

"Alec." It was the first time I had spoken since Isabelle showed up. "Are you okay?" I ask, putting a finger on the small of his back, which meant he had to get Alec upstairs and get him a cup of coffee because he was about to faint. In response Alec flexed his left arm.

No, help me.

That's it. Time to go. Bye bye Iz.

It was as if Izzy only now just realized he was there.

"Who are you?" She asks while taking a step closer to them. Reaching behind her to get her phone, probably to call 911. "What is you relationship to my brother?"

"Can I tell her?" I whisper while turning my back to her. He flexes his right arm.


I once again face her, while I clear my throat and square my shoulders, she shifts where she stands, tensing slightly. "I am Magnus Bane." I say, while placing my hand across my chest. "My relationship with Alec is," I put an arm around Alec's waist and pull him closer. "His lover." I take pride in the title. It took a lot to get it. A lot. "It is nice to meet you, Isabelle Lightwood."

Once again, she tenses.

"How long?" The question was not directed at him, but at Alec.

"A while." He answers, tonelessly.

"Why didn't you tell me?" There is a threat behind the words, it made me shift forwards so I could stand between the two siblings.

"I didn't think I had to. You cut all ties with me after I paid you back. You have no right to know about my personal life. The only reason you are still standing here is because of Jace." He walks to stand in front of me and adds more venom to each word as he continues. "If you hadn't taken that picture! If you had kept your nose out of everything! If you just didn't give him your phone! This would have never happened! But I should thank you. If you hadn't done what you did, then I wouldn't have met Magnus." He gives me a small smile but his eyes showed something else. Something that I would need to help him with later.


"NO. You don't get to speak!" He booms. "Get out, I will find Jace without your help." I place my hand on his shoulder.

"Alec, honey." He whirls to face me. His fists are clenched at his sides and his eyes are blazing, shining with a blue flame. After taking one look at my expression, his eyes instantly soften and his finger go limp, leaving marks in his palm from his nails.

"Sorry." He whispers, locking his eyes to the floor.

"Come here." I open my arms to him and he walks right into them. I glare over to Izzy form over Alec's dipped head as he nuzzles into my neck and wraps his arms around my torso.

"Sorry." He whispers into my skin.

Leave. I mouth to Izzy.

She does, but not after giving me a long, cold glare.

What on earth happened between these two? I'll have to ask him, but not now. Not while he looked like he is about to collapse.

I hold him to me long after she leaves before I say anything.

"Alec." I say, pulling back to see his face.

"Yeah." His eyes are red and look on the brink of tears.

"No tears." I say, resting my hand on his cheek. "Not tonight. Tonight, we celebrate!" I try to pull away from him to take him upstairs but his arms are iron around my waist.

"Why?" He looks completely confused.

"You did just asked me to live with you, didn't you? Or am I remembering wrong?" Light dawned in his eyes and a smile cracks on his face.

"I did, didn't I?" He says with a playful tone, completely forgetting the fight that's just happened, and pulls me into a kiss while hugging me even tighter.

"Darling." I say with a purr.

"Yes." And I run one, just one, hand through his hair. "Yes." He says with so much lust and power in his eyes and voice, that I let out a shriek as he lifts me off the ground and upstairs, where we do many things, in many positions, for many hours.

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