Never That Far

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Alec POV

"Do you want to move in with me?" Magnus, who was reading by the fireplace in the store, freezes and, very slowly, looks towards the place I stand, which is near the coffee machine.

"Can you say that again, please?" He speaks normally, but the way he places his book on the table in front of him says otherwise. His arms are tense and he doesn't save his page, like he usually would.

"Do you want to move in with me? Live here, in the store." I wave my hand around the endless shelves of books while moving over towards him and crouch down behind the right arm of his chair. "I know we haven't been dating for that long, but I want to wake up next to you, I want to be able to get out of bed and make two cups of coffee. I want to hear you sing while you work and be able to sing along with you. I want to be with you, Magnus."

"Darling!" Magnus's voice carried both happiness and excitement. "I've never heard you speak like this!" He places one hand over mine and I cover it with my other hand. "I like it. I like hearing you speak your mind to me, and I love that you want me to move in with you."

"So you will?" He kisses me, pulls me to my feet and tugs me in front of him, so I can hover over him in the arm chair with his hands on either sides of my face. Never leaving his lips, I place both my hands on both sides of his chair to trap him in. The kiss is not one with yearning or force, but one with so much love that I almost fall backwards.

"Yes." He whispers so quietly that I worry that I had imagined it. He pulls away from me for less that a second. "Yes I will move in with you." I kiss him again, with a little force, hoping he's not joking with me. I can feel him smile on my lips and when we break apart, I hold our foreheads together, wanting to feel him near me.

"Thank the lord." I say after releasing him, relief filling me up. "I would have no idea what I would have done if you had said no." I let out a sigh and fall back onto my heels in between his knees and rest me head on his thigh, looking up at him. I turn over to rest my back on his chair and once again, rest my head on his thigh. Automatically, both of his hands come to play with my hair.

"I'm hear everyday single and I spend about ninety percent of my nights with you, I might as well have already been living with you." I laugh at this statement and sweet, warm memories, wash over the backs of my eyes.

Magnus, is a tux, waiting for me to go eat dinner with him at a fancy restaurant.

Magnus, falling asleep on the couch and having to carry him to bed while he is still holding onto his book.

Magnus, comforting me after I had one of my many, nightmares about Robert.

Magnus, listening to my story about my past.

Its only been a few weeks since he asked me out but I already know that if he leaves me I don't know how I'll live.

He leans down to whisper in my ear. "So, darling, are you going to take off that apron, or am I going to have to do it for you?" His words have a slight purr to them, and his fingers tug slightly at my hair, just the way I like it. Both his voice and hands make my face turn bright red.

"I-I can do it myself!" I say, silently kicking myself for the pitch in my voice. I rush towards the front door to close the shop. While my relationship has been doing great with Magnus, my store has been doing even better and being one of the only bookstores in town, I get a lot of costumers. I slip the apron over my neck and fold it neatly before tucking it in a drawer behind the cash register. Two arms wrap around my waist and pull me backwards and towards the ceiling, causing me to scream slightly.

"Magnus!" I swing my arms and legs around in attempt to get myself free but to no avail, he has an iron grip on me. "Can you put me down now?" I ask, looking at my dangling feet. He may be shorter and I am, but he is much stronger.

"Nope." He nuzzles his head into my back and shacks it around, knowing that I'm ticklish there. Out of habit, I arch my back and neck to get myself away from the tickling feeling between my shoulder blades but his arms tighten around me and trap me against him.

"M-Magnus! S-stop it! HAHAHAHA!" My laughter carries around my store while Magnus continues to shake his head back and forth on my ticklish spot."I give! I give!" The tickling stops and I'm completely out of breath.

"Alec?" He still hasn't put me down and I go limp in his arms, resting my head on his shoulder and letting my limbs dangle by my sides, knowing he could hold my like this for hours.


"Look." I turn my head so I can see what he is taking about. Behind the glass door is a figure with long black hair that is spilling over her gray scarf.

"Magnus, honey, put me down." The urgency in my voice must have reached him, because in the next second, my feet hit the ground.

"Who is she?"

"My sister."

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