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Alec POV

"Alec." I turn at the sound of my name from a familiar voice. "I see you are doing well."

Oh shit.

"Hi Robert." His lips go in a tight line at the sound of his first name from his oldest son. "I see you are still old and angry." His blue eyes reflect mine own and contrast with his gray hairs.

His fists tighten at his sides and he takes a step closer to where I stand in front of a bookshelf. Before he decided to grace me with his unruly presence, I was enjoying myself while putting away the new books we had just ordered and thinking about when Magnus is going to come. He had told me about a book he wanted and it had just come in this morning.

"Nice place you have here." He gestures to my tiny store and grimaces. "Well, nice for a faggot like you." He practically spits the last words but I don't move from where I stand. I'm not the same little boy that he kicked into the streets.

"Thanks, I really do like it." He takes another step toward me, then another, and another. Now he is in arms reach of me. I can smell the coffee on him. I might have not moved, but I can feel myself go pale and I probability looked scared beyond belief.

"Don't you use that tone with me." He growls through gritted teeth.

"Why not? You're not my dad, you made that perfectly clear when you kicked me out when I was 15." I distantly hear the bell and the front door close. All of my attention is on my old monster in my new home.

"You killed him." His words sting like bees in my heart. They my not be true but it still hurts.

"You killed him and you know it." I would've stopped there but the words kept coming out of my mouth like water from a cracked damn before I could stop them. "If you hadn't cheated on mom and had KIDS with that other woman, then she wouldn't have lost her mind and tried to stab me." I lay my hands flat on the sides of my thighs to stop them from shaking. "Then she wouldn't have stabbed Max. It's you fault but you don't want to burden yourself with the murder of your youngest son." 

His fist rises and in a blur a figure appears in front of me, like a wall between Robert and I.


I could tell by the glitter and colorful vans.

I reach up and ball my fists into his shirt just to make sure he's real and to keep my self from falling to my knees.

"Excuse me sir, but I would love it if you would leave." Then, like magic, Robert stalks off. He looks like he had just been told off by a child. His face is bright red and his entire stance is tense.

"Magnus, is he gone?" I only ask to make sure that he wasn't going to turn around and throw a flaming bottle of beer through the glass windows. Also to hear his voice, hoping it might calm me somehow.

"Yeah, he's gone." I take my hands away from his shirt, knowing he hates wrinkles on his clothes. "Alec," Here it comes. "Who was that guy?" There it is. I know I have to tell him, he did just save me.

"You don't have to tell me if you don't want to!" His words reassure me but I've already made up my mind, I'm going to tell him.

"Alec why don't you sit down." He gestures to the fire place and the two seats in front of the tiny fire. "Please." He must be worried. But instead of moving towards the fire place, I walk towards the door. "Where are you going?" The question didn't sound demanding but rather scared.

Does he think I'm going to run off?

I want to run, run right into his arms. I want him to wrap his arms around me and never let go. But no. I can't do that, I mean, come on! It would be more that a miracle if he isn't seeing anyone right now. He has to be buying all of these books for someone. I bet shes pretty, and nice, and caring, and so much better than me. He must be, has to be, in love with someone else. Right? 

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