Zallana One Shot- Tis' The Season To Be Jolly

Start from the beginning

I felt a tear escape my eye, wiping it I took a deep breath , my heart swelling remembering my mother. "I miss you mom." I utter softly.

Clanking of a pot and the unruly shutting of the kitchen cabinets regained my attention. I pass the massive sized living room, laden with decorations, a tall Christmas tree glimmering in a corner casting an aura of festive spirit in the air. There were nearly twenty boxes of gifts surrounding the tree consisting of the gifts Zayn and me had bought for each other. I was itching to rip the wrappings off my gifts but we had mutually decided to exchange gifts in the morning after visiting the church with Trisha.

Tying my hair in a bun, I enter the kitchen to find Zayn boiling milk in a pan , humming Drake's new song ' Hotline Bling.' He is addicted to that song, it's all I have been hearing him sing for two weeks. He pours the milk in a mug, mixing chocolate powder, stirring it vigorously. Dressed in a pair of grey sweats and a black sweater, his newly dyed silver hair complimented his simplistic attire.

I sneeze unceremoniously, catching him off guard. He turns around quickly with widened eyes muttering, "Santa ?"

I bite the inside of my cheek to suppress my laughter, watching his cheeks taint pink once he realizes it's me.

"Were you expecting someone Bambi?" I ask moving closer to him.

" No I uh—are you hungry ? Do you want me to make you hot chocolate?" He says avoiding my question, turning to grab a mug for me.

I wrap my arms around his waist, pressing my face in his back. I may or may not have taken a whiff of his scent. Don't blame me , he smells heavenly.

"Is my baby waiting for Santa to bring his gifts?" I tease him.

" Ms. Francis be a good girl or I will not put marshmallows  in your hot chocolate." He says leaning into me.

" Why are you awake Zayn ?" I ask him as he stirs my cup.

Exhaling he gently takes my arms off him, turning to face me.

Frowning slightly his fingers rake through my makeshift bun , letting my raven hair fall free. Typical Zayn , why do I even tie my hair when he is around ?

" I was thinking." He says settling his hands on my waist as I place mine on his sturdy chest.

" About what ?" I ask him inquisitively.

" I was thinking about Gigi." He says eyeing me.

" Gigi Hadid ?" I say with distaste.

" Yeah Gigi Hadid , Victoria Secret Model. I was thinking about her." He says winking at me.

" Oh !" I exclaim. "I apologize for disrupting your thinking session about Gigi Hadid , Victoria Secret Model." I mutter, trying hard to maintain complacency in my tone.

I wiggle to get out of his firm grip, only for him to press me firmly into his body.

"So sexy when you are jealous." He says brushing his lips on mine.

I bite his bottom lip roughly, earning a moan from him. "I have already slayed a blonde who tried to steal you from me. I won't hesitate to do the same to another one. Remember who you belong to Malik or else..........."

" Or else ? Will you punish me for being naughty Miss Francis ?" he says nipping my earlobe.

" Zayn !" I giggle as his scruff tickles my cheek.


Because she made me believe (ZAYN MALIK)Where stories live. Discover now