"And why do you care what he thinks?" he frowned

"I don't" I hurriedly avowed.

"Then I don't understand why we're discussing this" he stated his voice conveying annoyance

And there it was; the first crack. But there was no turning back now I had to finish it. "Nasir is undergoing a financial crisis" I continued "And this huge government contract could help him. He asked me to speak to Daddy about it; see why he wasn't awarded the second one"

"And you're going to eagerly do it? Ask your father in law to grant your ex-husband a contract to help with his financial crisis?" his voice conveyed emotions I didn't want to be directed at me; disbelief, frustration, annoyance.

I looked down not wanting to meet the look he was giving me. "I just want to let Daddy know that if I'm the reason why... I mean if it's because of the way Nasir treated me then he shouldn't hold back because of me"

"I'm hearing is you want to help him out. Get him out of this...crisis"


"Then what do you want?" he interrupted. "My permission? Because it looks like you've already made up your mind"

"It's not that..." I paused not sure what to say. It was exactly that. I was trying to help Nasir out. "It's just Nasir really needs this" I pleaded to which he said nothing just staring at me with mixed emotions. I kept shut and listened to my subconscious yell profanities at me.

I should have just kept ignoring Nasir.

Akram stood up and left; walking into the room.

When I reluctantly followed ten minutes later; he had gotten into his far side of the bed and the lights were off.

What have I done?


"She drives me insane. And I really can't deal with her right now. Do your mother in law a favor and take care of her? I haven't been well these past days and I'm in no mood to-"

"Are you okay Maama?" I asked voicing my concern.

"I'm fine don't worry; I've just not slept well these past few days but there's nothing to worry about okay? I just need you to take care of Inna for me for a few days. I'll be fine once I get some rest" she reassured me. Maama's mother passed away when she was very young and she was the youngest of her sisters so it resulted in her being  raised by her mother's sister. Who was coming to visit in two days. Inna from what I gathered from Maama; was a little strict. She was a disciplinarian who was very hard to please.

"Of course. I should take Abu too so you can get to relax completely"

"May Allah bless you Maheen. Thank you"

We said goodnight and I went into my own bedroom. After changing into nighties; I reluctantly went over to our room resisting the urge to sleep in mine. It was something I had never done before but Akram had also never ignored me. He spoke to me when necessary but that was it. Something told me though that leaving the room would just make matters worse and that's not what we needed. So like we'd been doing for several days; we got into our sides of the bed quietly without a word to each other.

Two days later Inna arrived. She was at my In-law's so the two of us went over to have lunch there and then get Inna and Abu. Inna was the typical strict Aunt. She wasn't much older than Maama as she was her mother's younger sister but she strictly exercised her authority over Maama. And watching how Maama responded to the scrutiny of her aunt like a teenage girl was amusing.

"When was the last time you cooked a meal Aisha?" Inna asked as we quietly had lunch without Daddy. Akram was leaning towards Abu as the latter was showing tips on how to easily gain three stars in candy crush. He was an 'expert' after playing for only two weeks since he got the phone. Thinking about his phone also reminded me it had been two weeks since this annoying silence had befallen us.

"I don't know Inna" Maama shrugged. "It has been a while"

"Lazy as ever" Inna derided shaking her head.

"Inna I'm not a bride anymore. I have no one to impress"

"Is this the attitude you're showing your daughter in law? Then your son is doomed to suffer"

"My son and daughter in law are doing just fine. You'll see that when you go with them" Maama tried to casually slip it in. I could see the slight apprehension on her face as she waited for her aunt to react.

"As expected" Inna grumbled "Shipping me off to your daughter in law the first chance you get"

"Inna I'm not shipping you off" Maama laughed nervously "You see it's just that..."

"Don't lie to me child"

"Actually Inna..." I spoke smiling at her, "I requested to have you over. As this is the first time I'm meeting you"

"Don't cover up for your mother in law girl" Inna reproved "I very well know this is all her doing. She must have requested you to take me to your house" Inna asked looking at me, "Let me guess; a sickness of some sort"

Maama grinned shaking her head. "Inna, since you don't want to grace my children with your presence it's fine. You can stay here"

"Don't be ridiculous" Inna chided. "Of course I'm going with them. I need to make sure she's treating my boy right" she said and I shrunk under her scrutinizing look.

Maama laughed and for the first time I became scared. I looked across at Akram who grinned at what his grandaunt said. It took him a few seconds to realize I was looking at him and when he did his eyes met mine and his grin stayed. I felt my heartbeat pick up.

Maybe I wouldn't be alone through this Inna ordeal after all

And then a chord struck in his memory reminding him he was upset with me and his grin fell and he promptly looked away.

Apparently I would be


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