Chapter 25

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"Welcome to the wonderful world of jealousy. For the price of admission, you get a splitting headache, a nearly irresistible urge to commit murder, and an inferiority complex. Yippee."

-J.R ward; black love


"I've been meaning to tell you" Akram's voice came distant as his head was behind the freezer lid. "I invited a friend of mine over for dinner tomorrow; if that's okay"

"Of course. Who is it?" I asked as I searched for my ring on the shelves. Maybe Genevieve saw it and put it away. I had been searching for three days now and each time she came in for work I'd always forget to ask her about it.

"We studied in London together" he replied. "Just heard about my marriage and thought it was a good time to come meet you"

"That's nice" I smiled, "Is he coming tonight?"

"Yeah tonight" he said standing up briefly before ducking back and pushing his head into the freezer again. Whatever he said next I didn't hear.

"For crying out loud what are you looking for?" I asked tired of watching his head in the freezer and his body outside.

He stepped back. "I'm pretty sure I left a small cup of frozen yogurt in the freezer yesterday. I can't find it"

"I ate it"

"What?" he frowned. "I was really looking forward to that"

I rolled my eyes. "What happened to what's yours is mine and what's mine is yours"

He sighed. "Fine"

I walked past him and got out the small cup that he didn't see and held it out to him.

He grinned. "I love you"

I shook my head and went back to searching for my ring. "About dinner; how many people am I cooking for?"

"Four of us" he informed. I opened my mouth to comment about his married friend but he interrupted me, "Let that ring go. It's somewhere in the sewers already"

I sighed and placed back the containers I'd brought down to search the cupboard. "I really hate that I misplaced it. Afra will be so disappointed"

Akram chuckled. "The relationship between you two is strange. Cute, but strange"

"Same goes to you and your yogurt" I stuck my tongue out at him.

"Touché" he said finishing the last of it while I continued to stare at the little kid in a man's body. He emptied the cup before looking up then in realization asked, "You didn't want any did you?"

I shook my head and walked out the kitchen.


I was happy that Akram's friend was coming with his wife. That way I'd have someone to talk to while the two of them go on rambling about medical examiner stuff.

So when I heard the sound of a car coming in after the gate was opened at around eight pm; I stood up from the stool in front of the dressing mirror and began wrapping my veil into a hijab.

"They're here" Akram stood up from the sofa in the room where he was using his phone after I nodded in response. I bent a bit to look into the mirror as I placed the pin to hold the do tight and he came to stand behind me. I stood back up and he placed his head on my left shoulder and we looked at each other through the mirror. "Beautiful as always" he said lowly. My cheeks reddened at the compliment and he pinched my cheek, chuckling. "Adorable"

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