Christmas special!

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Pietro: Hyia, I'm Pietro and my friends and I are here for the Christmas special

Pyro: YEAH WE ARE!! *lights Emma on fire*


Matt Um


Emma: That would explain the random people

Matt: Kinda


Pietro: YEEEAAAAH CHRISTMAS *runs around and puts Christmas stuff everyone*

Holly: *giggles* Yay! Pie is fast!

Emma: Omfg Pie

Deadpool: We need to call him that from now on

Emma: Yes

Pietro: Oh god

Wanda: Good luck

Holly: *gives everyone a card and a tiny present*

Emma: Thanks Lil' dude

Deadpool: Is it a katana?

Holly: What's a katana

Bobby: She's not allowed to have weapons, she's freaking four

Deadpool: But weapons

Pietro: No

Kitty: *drops out of celling* I heard Christmas

Holly: *gives her present and card*

Deadpool: Well since the author isn't here I'll drop us out! Have a Merry Christmas everybody and a Happy New Year!

Emma: Yeah! Merry Christmas guys!

Holly: Who are they talking to?

Bobby: No one knows


Well thanks Deadpool and Emma for taking my line

Deadpool/Emma: Your welcome

...your not supposed to be here

Deadpool: Don't care

Emma: Yeah

*sighs* Well Merry Christmas guys and Happy two New Years. And Happy every other holiday you guys celebrate!

Deadpool: BYYYE

Emma: SEE YA!

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