1. Flash, Camera, Smile

Start from the beginning

The sound of his sneakers smacking the cement was hardly audible because of how many people were talking and asking him questions all at once. He looked at the cloudy sky above him, suddenly realizing he felt suffocated. Personal space didn't exist. He barely felt this was humane. The skyscrapers were huge around him and they were leaving a strong glare. The reporter's utters became more clear as he came back to reality.

"Where are we going today, Xavier?" One asked, shoving a microphone into his face. His displeasure must've been clear because they backed away.

"Any new girls we should know about?" He didn't like it when they asked him questions like that. He liked keeping that personal. Enough of his relationships had ended because of the public. How many more did they want to end?

He kept on walking, trying his best to ignore the interrogations. But the second he heard the girl speak, he slowed down. Or maybe he completely stopped, he couldn't remember. He could never forget how she spoke. It was so soft. The first time he had heard her speak, he was left in awe. It had been a few months ago while he was at an award show. He wasn't expecting it and it shocked him enough for him to actually stop and take the time to answer her questions.

"Hey Xavier," He turned around just in time to see her lips move, "so tell us, what are your expectations for tonight?"

He grinned and turned to look at her directly. Her eyes grew wide. "I'm expecting to win, of course." She smiled and looked at her notes.

"Should we expect you to go home with anyone tonight?" It was obvious how taken aback Xavier was.

He contemplated his response. Don't say that, don't say that.

"Did you want that to be you?" The paparazzi girl blushed and her mouth hung slightly open. He was impressed with himself but his heart was pounding, waiting for her to respond. His mind was racing with images.

"Um - uh, okay, good luck tonight, Mr. Harrington." And she dived into the crowd of other interviewers and was out of sight in less than a minute.

Not a day went by that he didn't regret asking her that because now he didn't know how to speak to her or what to say or what not to say.

Her voice was sweet, yet it was firm. So professional yet he hardly took her too seriously. "Any new films coming out? Are you enjoying the fame so far? What's new?"

"I love doing what I do. It's something that I choose to do and I wouldn't do anything to change that. I'm doing new projects all the time so expect anything." He turned to face her, hardly even being able to hold eye contact, as she held a voice recorder towards him. "That's all I have to comment on today."

Xavier's body guard, Tyler, was behind him, following him as he began to walk away from the girl, realizing he had been looking at her for too long.

He never really needed Tyler unless things got out of hand, which luckily wasn't often at all. Girls would go crazy for the smallest things. He was far from being perfect. He just wished people realized that as well.

The cold breeze snuck up to him, making him frown a bit because Tyler was right about it being a little chilly. They had fought for what seemed like ages about him putting on his stupid leather jacket until he finally caved in and put it on. He usually didn't like to wear jackets or sweaters. He became warm too easily.

He caught a glimpse of the cafe he was looking for, making him quicken his pace. He walked up the couple of stairs after he had reached it and opened the door, holding it for Tyler.

Thank God the paparazzi weren't allowed into many public places behind him or else it would be a disaster. Being followed was enough. Being questioned was enough. Being watched every moment of your life was too much.

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