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Why couldn't I think?

My head... it's too far from reality.

Luke's entire body was numb, but it was oddly enjoyable. Logic and reasoning fled every part of his train wrecked thoughts. The only thing pushing him forward was adrenalin, and this weird happy warmth that kept him from being reminded about someone. In fact, Luke couldn't even remember who he was trying to forget.

Maybe it was burning liquid that Calum kept handing him. Or maybe it was Calum himself. The way he was constantly touching Luke as they laughed at stupid things pumped electricity through the naïve boy's brain. Everything was blurred. All the lights and obnoxious people melted together, making all of it seem like a simple dream.

Luke couldn't even speak when he was lead away into a room, far away from the noise that dulled his senses. It was impossible for him to remember exactly how it got the point where Calum, a complete stranger, was kissing down his neck. Or how the unfamiliar fingers were tugging off his clothes.

Luke wasn't scared like he should've been. He couldn't feel anything. But he was willing. Willing to go sky diving or watch movies for 12 hours straight.

Willing to have a one night stand with the person he should fear the most.

Calum's mouth sucked and licked down Luke's bare chest, drawing out the younger's pretty moans. Luke rolled his back at the foreign feeling. Never in his life had he been touched before. Purple and red bruises littered his innocent skin.

His empty mind somehow concocted an image of Michael. Suddenly, he could only picture the punk boy. Luke could see every detail of his angelic features, imagining his lips being the one to paint his skin once more. He was craving the elder boy.

Calum slipped Luke's tight jeans down his legs, revealing a pair of light blue lace panties. A smirk grew on Calum's lips, his dark eyes hungrily scanning the blonde. "Such a sexy princess for me." Calum hummed, his teeth catching on the waistband of the lingerie and tugging it downwards.

Luke emitted a high whine as his hardening problem met the cool air. Every touch, every emotion seemed to be heightened from the strange substances he had previously consumed. He felt alive. Especially when Calum wrapped his soft lips around Luke's member. The small boy was hallucinating at this point, succumbing to his thoughts of Michael once more. But, for now, nothing was negative about the heart breaker.

"M-Mikey." Luke whimpered as Calum licked up his shaft. His small fingers gripped the raven's hair, causing him to moan around Luke. The feeling as incredible, unparalleled t o anything he's felt before. Calum was satisfied, watching his victim's blood shot eyes roll into his head.

The events that took place soon after was a black hole to Luke. He just remembered pleasure... then regret when he awoke the next morning completely alone, a small pain in his bum to add to his misery. Tears had dripped down his red cheeks while his head pounded immensely against his skull.

What had he done?


"I can't believe I left him there, Ash." Michael winced. The unimaginable horrors Luke could have been going through added an unbearable weight on his shoulders.

Ashton eyed his friend warily. Michael would never get so beaten up about someone like the. The punk refused to show any type of emotional pain, so his expression was a definite surprise. Ashton had always been excited to see Michael finally escape this nightmare, even if he was the best at their job. But he didn't expect the terrible toll on Michael to destroy this particular boy.

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