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"You want me to turn him?"

Michael let out an unamused laugh. He brought a lit cigarette up to his lips, inhaling death and releasing it into the air. The silver smoke swirled with streaks of setting sun, disappearing from sight. The black haired boy leaned his head back against the wall as his nerves began to wind down, green eyes closing for a few moments.

"Why?" He asked the curly haired boy standing in front of him.

"Just another informative for Calum. Guess he has a thing for blondes anyways." Ashton shrugs, checking the time on his phone.

"Why doesn't he do this shit himself?" Michael huffed, tossing his cigarette butt to the ground and crushing it with his foot.

"Because you work for him." Ashton rolled his eyes. He was used to the pale boy's stubbornness. The two have grown close ever since getting caught in the affairs of Calum Hood. They owe him for some......things, so here they are, doing his deeds.

The deeds included finding him a new toy to corrupt. That was where Michael and Ashton come in.

They were sent out to find these innocent teens who have connections that could be used. Calum would usually have some fun with them, making the clueless person fall in love so they would tell him valuable information.

Once Calum gets what he needs, he tosses them to the side. With hearts split in two, the targets never run back to their old life since they feel so broken and used. A few even start working for Calum because they have nothing less to lose, or they're still hopelessly in love with him.

It wasn't the greatest job to have. Michael despised being a puppet and watching people break. But sadly, he didn't have much of a choice.

The school bell finally rang across the street. A few seconds later and teens were pouring out of the doors. Michael and Ashton scanned the crowd, waiting for their person of interest.

Michael remembered when he was apart of the oblivious teenagers. Not knowing the atrocities the world held and how easily it was to get tangled in them. He didn't miss school. At all. But he did miss the piece of innocence he lost when darkness consumed him.

"There!" Ashton announced, pointing towards a particular tall blonde boy.

Michael snorted in disbelief. The guy looked around 18-ish, with eyes as blue as the sky. He had on black skinny jeans and an oversized stripe sweater that covered his palms as he hugged his books to his chest. A blue flower crown sat on top of dirty blonde locks while he stood alone, silently watching the others so he wouldn't accidentally bump into them.

"You've got to be kidding me." Michael scoffed as their target began to somehow shyly walk down a street opposite of them. "What's his name?"

Ashton tapped around on his phone for a few moments then peered at the screen. "Luke Hemmings."

Oh no.

Michael's eyes widened and he nearly choked on air. That name. He's heard that name before. But that was so long ago....and he looks so different. Could it really be the same person?

"You okay, Mike?" Ashton asked, raising an eye brow at the panicking boy. It was very rare to see Michael lose his cool over anything.

The black haired boy sucked in a breath to calm himself down, ignoring Ashton. Surely he was mistaking the name with someone else. Besides, it's been years, so even if it is the same Luke, he wouldn't recognize him.....hopefully.

"I'm fine." Michael replied casually even though his insides were going to explode. But Ashton had already noticed his off demeanor. The hazel eyed boy decided to make a little game out of it, confident with the possible out turn of this project.

"500 bucks says you can't turn him." He said with a smirk. Ashton knew Michael would never back down from a bet and saw this as an opportunity to make some money. The dark haired boy glared at his smug friend, who obviously underestimated his skills.

"Pfft, you'll be regretting this Irwin." Michael said, sticking his hand out for the older boy to shake. Both contained a glint in their eyes as their skin met. Michael was beginning to worry about it, though, watching Luke giggle as a butterfly fluttered past his nose. This could quite possibly be impossible to make a boy that just giggled into something so dark.

Michael couldn't help but wonder why in the world Calum needed a guy like Luke in the first place.

The punk didn't dwell on it, though, because he doesn't care. He was only there to transform and deliver.

That's it.


The rest of the chapters will be much longer than this, don't worry.

I'm pretty excited to write this, so please vote and comment opinions~

This may or may not contain triggering things but I'll put a warning before the chapter if it does. Same things goes for smut.

Don't steal the idea/story. And if I happen to make a mistake don't flip out ok.

I do not own any of the 5sos members or names, just the storyline. (I will throw my drumsticks at your face if you steal it :))))


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