“Can we fight it?” I asked in a small voice. Tears welled up at the thought of being stuck in this shadowy prison for the rest of my life.

                Mahina sighed, fixing me with a weary stare before looking up at the screen above us. “I don’t know,” she murmured, just as my physical voice sounded, “I am the real Azula. It’s not my fault you’re too weak to handle me.”

                I looked up just in time to see Amias throw me a look of disgust before stumbling away into the forest. That look hurt me more than anything else ever had. It struck me like a physical blow so that I curled into a foetal position, clutching at my heart, which pained me more than I ever thought it could.

                “Other people have beaten this, right?” I asked a while later. The agony of Amias’ rejection and disgust had worn off a little now so that I could think clearly. I needed to get back to him and explain. I had to explain to him that this wasn’t the real me, that I would never do something as horrific as...as...

                “A few,” she muttered. “Not many.” She pawed at the ground, avoiding eye contact.

                “I’m so sorry Mahina,” I whimpered. “I got you into this. I shouldn’t have used that damn spell. I just didn’t think.”

                She glanced up at me. “What’s done is done,” she said, her voice empty. “We just need to focus on getting out.” Her voice lacked conviction, like she truly believed that we were going to be stuck here for the rest of our time.

                “We will get out,” I assured her, trying to sound strong when all I wanted to do was cry. Mahina didn’t say anything, just continued to scrape at the ground.

                I looked up at the screen above us, our only link to the outside world. My body was in the cave with the two dead bodies. It was holding Rickon’s hand and slowly breaking all of the bones in it one by one. Its smile widened with every crack.

                “This won’t work,” a voice hissed. My ears perked up, recognising Amias. He was back? I thought he was going for a run...

                “You’re her mate. Stop being a wimp!” Dobry ordered. I smiled, even as the tension in my physical body rose.

                We all watched as Amias was shoved into the cave through the fire. He stumbled a bit, sending us a panicked look. Dobry then chanted something under his breath while Amias stood there, trying to appear casual.

                “Aha!” I heard Dobry exclaim. “Now you two lovebirds are stuck in there until you sort this nonsense out once and for all.”

                “Wha- Dobry!” Amias yelled, balling his fists. He stared at the flames in frustration before finally turned to face me.

                “And here was me thinking you liked me,” I heard myself sneer. Amias sucked in a breath, hurt flashing in his eyes before it was quickly masked.

                “I do,” he said, coming to sit beside my body, so close that our shoulders brushed. I could feel his heat even from this prison. I shuddered.  Mahina growl softly beside me.

                “I’m sorry about before,” he murmured, looking up at me from under his eyelashes. “You were doing my pack a favour and all I was doing was being squeamish.”

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