Chapter 23

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-I'm back :D-

The rest of the day went rather awry in my opinion. I was hoping she would awake but I knew that it would be too early anyways, so I let it go. Minutes after everyone had their fill on breakfast, a lot of my house-mates asked me questions on why I did it and so on. I gave them all the same response, that I didn't know it was her, and she attacked me. Most of them seemed pretty understanding, except for Ben. He got so mad at me. He didn't yell, just looked at me with disgust and walked away. So far he hasn't talked to me today.

I got up from my chair, heading into the bath room. I needed a shower to calm down. As I passed the stairs and entered the hallway, I passed Ben.

"You're lucky she's not dead." He said from behind me, making me stop, looking over my shoulder. "You should really be more careful on who you attack." He spoke with what looked like a sly grin. Was he taunting me?

"I told you already," I replied. "She attacked me, and I didn't know it was her."

"If you wouldn't have called her a freak she wouldn't have left anyways." He spat. I clenched my fist.

"We were arguing, and what are you implying, anyways?" I asked, turning around completely to face him.

"I'm saying I would never treat her like that." He barked, raising his voice slightly.

"You're forgetting who brought her here; who brought her home." I reminding informed him.

He shrugged. "So?" He said, turning and exiting the hall and up the stairs. With a frustrated sigh, I turned and headed for the shower again, hoping no one would interrupt me again.

The door was opened meaning no one was in there. I went inside and shut the door, locking it. I sighed, leaning on the door and looking in the mirror. There was blood on my mask. Her blood. My knife was still in my blood covered jacket pocket. I pulled it out to see it too was coated with the red substance. I shut my eyes, not wanting to see it anymore.

My dream came into my mind, and I saw it. I looked the same as I did when I killed her in my dream. I removed my mask, placing it in the sink for it to clean. I looked up in the mirror. My grey skin was was layered in the black ink-like substance coming from my eyes. I looked away, taking my jacket off and getting ready for my shower.

~Time skip~

I stepped out of the bathroom, feeling slightly better than the morning. I strapped my mask on and headed for the living room to check up on her. Some part of me was hoping she was awake, but it disappeared when I saw her laying on the couch, the same position she was in before.

Slender man was standing in the room, and he looked over when he saw me come in.

"How is she?" I asked, sitting down on the couch.

"Same as before. She hasn't developed a fever, which is odd considering the river she fell in." Slender said. That last part caught my attention.

"What?" I said, sitting up straight. 


"No. Tell me. She fell in a river? When?" I peppered him with questions, needing to know why I wasn't told earlier.

"I will explain after she wakes up." Was all he said before taking his leave and disappearing.

I peered down at her form. Her ears were twitching, meaning she wasn't paralyzed like before, just in a deep sleep. Possibly a coma. She looked almost the same as when I first brought her here. 

Covered in bandages and laying limp on the couch. Her breathing was normal, and like Slender said, she didn't attract any fevers. My mind wandered away and focused on Ben. His words echoed through my head. I would never treat her like that. Lies. The very first time he met her he nearly crushed her chest. 

Plus, like I told myself before, she was mine, and no one was taking her from me. But what did Slender mean about the river? Did he find her and not tell me? I sighed, questions beaming in my head. I sat down on the chair again, staring up blankly at the ceiling.

There was no sound in the house, meaning most everyone was out for the moment. It was nice not hearing someone argue for once. I remembered the work I had done that night. What were they doing here? Trying to find this place maybe? To take pictures? It makes no sense. Now their both dead. They shouldn't have come in the first place. 

But wait... Luna came from that way. The way where their bodies were. Did she see them? What would see think if she knew I too killed for activities. Would she hate me? Fear me? 

My mind consumed me but I was taken back to reality when there was a loud slam. In came Jeff, his jacket covered in fresh blood. I noticed there was a large circle of blood slowly getting bigger on his arm.

"What happened?" I asked, sitting up and glaring at him.

"Some stupid girl stabbed me!" He hissed. I got up, following Jeff into the bathroom. He opened the cabinet and pulled out some rubbing alcohol and a bandage. He rolled up his blood-dripping sleeve and examined his wound. It wasn't large, just a gash near his elbow.

"Did she get your knife or something?" I asked, confused on how she would been able to hurt him.

"No. She had a pocket knife. God, what kind of parent lets their kid have a knife?" He fumed, putting the alcohol on a rag and placing it on his wound. He tensed for an instant, but it quickly went away.

"One who wants their kids at least partly safe." I sighed. He just rolled his eyes and continued cleaning his elbow. I turned to leave when he started to rap the bandaging around his arm.

I sat down with a sigh and groaned. The sun had fallen beneath the horizon, welcoming the night. I thought of leaving, to go blow off some steam and search for prey, but I wanted to be here if she woke up. I could hear Jeff throwing things around and growling to himself. He gets pretty mad when people fight back and actually manage to injure him.

I heard someone running down the stairs and I was guessing it was Ben, as Jeff started shouting, "You stupid elf go away." and "No, she did not get away you green freak."

I shook my head. Morons.

I peered over to Luna, who was still in her deep slumber. Another day went by and she hadn't awoken.

Maybe she will tomorrow, I told myself.

Wolf and a Mask (Eyeless Jack Romance)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon