Chapter 20

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-Oh god... Please, please, please, don't hate me.-

Eyeless Jack's P.O.V.

I sat there, thinking to myself. Was I ever going to find her? Would she even come back if I did? Does she hate me? The more I over thought everything, the more and more my heart began to sink. 

The tree I was sitting under gave me some shelter from the falling snow. More thoughts rounded my mind, and I became stressed out. "I'll take a nap. In the night I'll search again, that way, I can take her back while she sleeps." I whispered to myself.

I leaned back, taking a breath, and falling asleep.

My eyes shot open. I was standing in a clearing in the trees. There was a deep river in front of me. I was shocked to see Luna standing on the other side, but... Something was wrong. The look on her face was... Empty. No emotion. Wait... Sadness. Her eyes were wet and tears streamed down her face. They glistened in the  moonlight and fell into the river, making ripples. She was standing, but her legs were shaking, as if her knees would give out at any second. I took a step forward, standing at the edge of the river. I reached out for her.

"Luna!" I called. Her eyes never met mine. They seem to stare right past me. She didn't say anything. More tears fell. "Luna!" I shouted again, trying to gain her attention. I noticed both hands were on her stomach. Confused, I narrowed my eyes. Blood oozed from in between her fingers, making a small pool at her feet. The green of her shirt was now a dark brown. Her eyes were glazed over, and blood dripped from her lips. "Are you alright?!" I shouted, tempted to jump into the water and help her.

"J-Jac-k-k I-..." Suddenly she fell to her knees, coughing and choking on her own blood that poured from her lips. She rested one hand on the ground to hold up her shaking body while the other was planted firmly on her gut. She puked up more red liquid. Her head turned towards me, and her brown eyes met my hollow ones. She shakily stood to her feet, and removed her hand.

My breath hitched in my throat. Her stomach had been ripped open, her intestines threatening to fall out of her body. "Luna, what happened?!?!" I screamed. I broke my heart at what she did. 

With a sad smile, she looked up at me, her green eyes fading to nothing, and said, "I-It's o-ok-kay." With that, she fell over backwards, landing to the ground with a thud.

I reached out, preparing to jump, when I froze. My hands, -or, my gloves- were covered in blood. I looked down at them, and  I hadn't realized what I had been holding in my right hand. My knife. It was full of blood. Her blood. I fell backwards onto my bottom, throwing the blade into the river. I examined myself. My entire body was covered in her blood. My jacket, my pants, I reached up and touched my mask, only to see that too had spatters of blood. 

"I did this..." I whispered to myself. "I-..." My soul ripped in two. "I killed her." I began sobbing, even without eyes. There was a low growl around me, floating from out of the trees. I stood, my legs shaking, and looked around. The low growl began getting louder and louder, I shut my eyes tightly, and opened them. 

I jumped awake with a gasp. I looked at my hands, to see they were clean. I leaned back in relief. Black tears were streaming down my face, and I was sweating. The growl returned, and I looked around. I jumped to my feet when I saw a wolf standing in front of me. I pulled out my blade, the dream fading away as defense rolled in.

It growled, threatening me as it came closer. It's hazel eyes burned into mine as it pawed forward. Suddenly, it leaped, lashing out and attacking me. It tackled my to the ground, making me hit the tree. It pinned me to the ground, snapping its jaws at my feet. My knife fell from my gloves, sliding somewhere else. I shoved the wolf off, rolling over and jumping to my feet. It was drooling, and baring its white, large teeth.

The moon was in the center of the sky, meaning it was only about three A.M. The wolf lunged at me again before I could grab my knife. I used my arm to shield my face and its powerful jaws latched onto my wrists. I pulled away, but it held fast. I hit it over the head, making it let go with a whimper. I jumped to my feet and grabbed my knife just as it attacked once again.

I drove the knife far into its chest, it fell away with a yelp and rolled around. I jumped onto it and stabbed it once again in the stomach, then again in between. Blood poured from its body, and I got off when it stopped moving. Only short breaths fell from its muzzle and its eyes opened, peering over to me. I froze when I saw its eyes. They seemed so... so familiar. 

The wolves eyes shut and it whimpered one last time before it passed out, still barely alive and clinging to life. This process took longer than I thought, and the sun was slowly arising. I turned around, getting ready to leave, when I heard a small movement behind me.

I turned, and what I saw horrified me. Luna, lay on the ground, three stab wounds laced on her. Her ears lied back and her tail not moving. She lay there, caked in her own blood, which was still pouring from the wounds. The wounds I created.

"No!" I shrieked, running to her sides and falling down onto my knees. I placed my hands on her stab wounds, trying to stop the bleeding. There was too much. She coughed, her chest barely moving as life faded quickly.

Her eyes opened to meet mine. "I-I'm s-sorry Jac-ck." She sputtered, before passing out again. 

"No!" I said again. No other thoughts ran through my mind as I saw her dying at my hands. I cried out, holding her close to me and stroking her face. I lifted her up, getting ready to sprint home. "I so sorry..." I sobbed. "I'm sorry..."

Wolf and a Mask (Eyeless Jack Romance)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora