Thank You

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Now that my book is finished, I wanted to give thanks to everyone who's been reading since the start, who started in the middle, and who read the whole thing in a matter of days, maybe less. So, technically, I'm thanking every one. I didn't expect for my book to get NEARLY this popular, and you have no idea how grateful I am that I gained so many fans from this. 

It just shocks me so much to know that people want to read my books, because in my opinion, I have a lot to work on until I'm nearly as good as I want to be. But still, I'm so happy you guys put up with my multiple mistakes, grammar issues, and over all just my stories and read through it. I'm so happy, thank you.

I apologize that I wrapped the story up to quickly, but it took so long to write. I just lost motivation beyond repair, and I wanted to finish it before I decided to just leave it as it is. I'm sorry.

This however, isn't the end. With this book, it is, though. I WILL be writing more in the future, I just don't know when. I hope everyone enjoys those as much as they did these. 

Now that I've finished one of my goals, I'm going to be taking  a break for a while. No telling how long. 

However, I will check now and then to answer any questions or messages I get by you guys. 

And, if it takes too long and your antsy for a reply, feel free to message my tumblr, Kiyashii or my Deviant art, Kiyashiix 

Again, thank you, I love you all so so so much, if it weren't for you guys, I would have quit so long ago. 

I love you all. 

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