Our Escape 08

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********If you wanna see what Phoenix looks like.... here she is pictured above in her "Oxblood red catsuit!" #SuperSexySpaceSuitSwag******** (Yes..... she's inspired by Cara from "LOTS")

Jayce walks with me to her office

"Hey Jayce.....W-What's in cryo?" I ask

"I-I have no idea. I don't know. Dead people I guess." He innocently says

There's a recognizable door at the end of the hallway

I remember to breathe and act normal

"Hey um... I'll cover you if anything." He sweetly says

There's a keypad by the door and I stare at it

The doors open and we walk in

Karen her back turned toward us and she's sitting on the couch

Nice white couch with a glass of red wine to match her perfectly red lipstick

"Sit down." She says while staring right at me

Right in my eyes

I don't feel the need to move

My head turns to Jayce and he's still standing there

That's strange that we're not being controlled

She COMMANDED us to sit

Karen turns her head toward the television mounted on the wall

There's an image of a ..... what is it?.... inside of the tv

"Reminds me of fireplaces." She says while holding her glass up

"F-fire?" I wonder

She bursts out into laughter

"Oh that's right, you've never been to Earth." She scoffs

I look at Jayce and he gives me a familiar stare like he's manipulating frequencies

"I don't hear anything." I mouth to him

I look at his arm and focus

I want it to break

He looks at me with wide eyes

Our powers don't work in here

I look at the walls and they must be lined with something

There's a door on the opposite side of the room

It says "88 Escape Hatch" on the door

My mouth drops wide open

That's it ......

Our way out

Our powers don't work in here

"W-we wanna go t-to 87. T-to c-catch Red of course." Jayce stutters

"J-Jayce......About time you said something. Go on. Kill him and end this." She says while putting her feet up

Is she afraid of him or something?

Jayce stares at the back of her head like he wants to bash her skull against the wall

I grab his arm

"Time to go." I say while trying to pull him along

Karen whips her head around and looks at Jayce

She's clearly disgusted for some reason

We scurry down the hallway in disbelief

"P-Phoenix that's it." He says

"I know. That's our way out. Our powers don't work in there. J, why does she hate you?"

He fondled his sleeve

"She hates all of us I think, maybe cuz I'm different like you said I am."

"Maybe so."

We walk through a tunnel that leads to 87

I can see Jered, Anna and Mina at the end

I feel like we can get him

We can kill Red

But I need to find out about cryo first

I grab his arm

"Wait, I need to check out cryo." I whisper

"I don't know where it is, there's no reason to go anyway."

There are questions I want answered

"Jered said not to go which gives me all the more reason to go. I'll find it. Tell the others..... Karen wanted to talk to me a little longer."

"We can't do this without you." He holds my hand

"Go kick-ass J." I let go of his hand and run

I find the nearest map

There's a panel with a touchscreen on the wall

I push it and it glows bright blue

"You are here." it shows a red dot which... must be me near the 87 tunnel

I glance to the right of the screen and see the words "Cryo" with a huge gray slash on top of it

"Destination where to?" an automated voice says

"Cryo" I try to whisper

"Cryo off limits to all personnel. Government access only."

I am government .... sort of.

Government property counts right?

There's a few hallways I need to go through in order to get there

I turn my body to the right and stare at the end of the hallway

Just relax....

Gotta find answers

Who is Krgon?

Why did he save me?

What's so terrible about Cryo?

I start running down the hall and I see a few guards

They ignore me as I dash to find cryo

Twist after turn after twist after turn after turn after turn after turn

Finally I see the recognizable layout from the map

There's two guards by these huge gray doors

They look at me like I'm stupid

"Is this an order from Karen?" one of them asks

"Y-yes" I stutter

"What does she need from here? Certainly not Rebecca." He folds his arms


"It's confidential." I place my hands on my hips

"You aren't allowed here." the other scoffs

I focus on their throats.....

.... collapsing .....

Crumbling ......

They fall to the floor and grab their throats .....



"Shut up." I mumble and force their jaws shut

This is it...


There's no activation panel anywhere by the door

How do I get inside?

I touch the door and they slowly open

There's a woman wearing a lab coat and fumbling with some glass tubes


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