The day that we all kill each other 04

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I wake up and see Jered lying next to me

"Find all you need to know?" he asks while staring into my eyes

"Partly. Karen's a real bitch isn't she?" I look at his soft lips

He laughs and brushes my hair out of my face

"Time to get up sleepyhead." He grabs my hand

I can feel his bracelet against my thigh

I smoothly get out of bed and I feel... fine

His hand grasps the zipper at the top of my jumpsuit and slowly pulls it down to my stomach

I look into his eyes and see that they're focused on my chest

According to my dream.... my memory..... we're together.

He pulls my suit down to reveal my breasts

He pulls it down further and......

I'm all exposed....

I cover my chest with my hands

"I-I think I can-"

"I-I knew you used-you like showering together." He stutters

"Shower?" I look into his eyes

"Oh-yes. Maybe you forgot. Everything is modified. The molecular structure of water's been modified so that it -"

"No Jered." I interrupt him

"I'm not stupid. You know we're too young to remember Earth. So why would you even mention that? What I mean is that, you're moving too fast. I barely remember why I got sedated. I tried to kill Karen, but why?"

"I'm-sorry I should go. I'll come back to take you to breakfast." He backs away from me

He's not telling me everything

"Stay..." I instruct him

He sits on the bed and watches me as I step out of my clothes

I walk into the bathroom.... I don't wanna look at myself

I step into the shower and turn the water on....

The cool water glides over my skin

I look up and reach for some soap

I lather my skin up and quickly wash it off.

There's a toothbrush and a tube of toothpaste on the rack and I grab it to brush my teeth

Then, I see a bottle of shampoo and use it to cleanse my hair

My towel is hanging overhead and I grab it to wrap it around me

I step out of the shower and come over to my bed

A black outfit is laying out

"Your favorite remember?" he says

I dry off and slip it on

Black skin tight suit.... Just how I like it

He looks at me and I look at him

"Ready to go now?" he gets up off the bed and holds my hand

I nod and we exit my room

I hear chatter of people laughing and talking

We enter a cafeteria down the hall

There's a table .... With all my friends

Mina looks up at me with the most sincere look in her eyes

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