Chapter Fourteen

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Percy burst through the hospital doors, with the police right at his tail "Olive!" he yelled at the top of his lungs.

The doctors had been working none-stop, trying to keep her alive and breathing.

Nico had 'mistakenly' told him about her situation when he was visiting Percy the other day, hoping to see how much his cousin cared for this girl. The more powerful his  feelings were, the more dangerous he became.

Several men threw themselves at Percy, trying desperately to grab  him and keep him from wrecking everything "Olive!" he screamed even louder.

He burst through the surgery room, and caused chaos. A nurse fainted "Sir you are not allowed here!" the surgeon yelled.

"I need to see her!"

"Clearly you don't!" he called back, pointing at Percy's wrists where broken handcuffs hung loosely.

"Take him out at once!"

"No..." said a weak voice from behind. They all gasped, and another nurse fainted. "No," it repeated "Let him stay." it croaked.

Percy got tears in his eyes, for the millionth time in this story, and he ran to her, gently holding her hand, "Hey," she said, her smile barely visible.

"Hey." he replied, squeezing her palm.

"We- we'll leave you be then." said a nurse, closing the door after everyone was out.

"Why did you do it, Percy?" Olive asked, her voice faint.

He laughed slightly "Which incident are you talking about? There are various, take your pick."

It was her turn to laugh, but she started coughing, and Percy hurried to get a glass of water. "Why did you kill your father?"

"He uhhh.." a few more tears formed "He- He used to beat me and my mother, everyday, when I came back from school, he would just, give me a beating for no reason, threaten me and her with several different weapons. I would hear them fight day and night. He would get drunk and come back home, wake me up, and attempt to kill me.

"The first time it happened was with a kitchen knife, were he stabbed my back and left a huge scar. The next time, he shot me with a gun, but missed and got my right lung instead of the left one. The third night, it was with the blade, where he continuously scarfed my body out.

"I didn't want the same to happen to my mother, and I just snapped. I used his blade against him, and pierced him through the head."

Olive reached out her hand to the base of his torso, "Show me." she said, wondering how he had gotten through it all, and came out alive and well.

She was pained at the sight of all those scars, but then noticed a bunch that didn't look quite as old.

She then noticed her initials carved over where his heart would be. She looked up at his face, but he looked away, ashamed "Percy.. are those..?" Her eyes wide, and her breath trapped in her throat. He wouldn't look at her. "Why?" tears flowed rapidly down her pale cheeks, just as fast as his. He pursed his lips, trying to stop any noise from escaping his mouth, and sniffed.

"Why?" she asked again, revealing her scars. All over her arms, her cleavage. She raised her hospital shirt, and revealed the stitches on her hips.

"What is your reason for harming yourself Olive?"

"I think you already know a few reasons, what're yours? I don't remember seeing those before."

"I couldn't take the pressure anymore."

"Neither could I." She looked up at his watery eyes. Her's the equally as flooded.

They burst into tears and fell into each other's arms "Let's never do this again," he muttered into her neck. "We have each other now, we'll be alright."

She laughed, "Yea, lets."


"Teenagers these days," muttered the doctor "Stop hurting yourself, and love yourself even more. There's more to life than what your eyes can see, there's also what your ears may hear and what your heart may feel. Know that the night is darkest before the dawn."

Nico and Thalia burst through the door "Are you guys okay?!" yelled Thalia, running to them and hugging them tightly. Nico just smiled. His plan had worked beautifully.

The two were back together.

Taymah and the receptionist came in next, with flowers and chocolates. They were all so happy, they were together. They all shared smiles and laughed, for the well-being of their friends, and for their newly created friendship.

Her Happiness is Your Will - Percy Jackson X OCWhere stories live. Discover now