Chapter One

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The three cousins entered their new school, already late on the first day, and sprinted to the reception to receive their schedules.

Both boys got all their classes together, while the girl only had two or three classes with them. It was their senior high school year, in one of the least known countries in the world.


Their parents sent them there to "change the environment of studying" as one would say. The other said "it's a chance to see the world", but none of the kids bought it.

Sure, it was nice here, the people were kind and welcoming, the deserts were beautiful on the southern side, and the forests and farms were refreshing on the northern side, but they weren't familiar with the area. Without their guide, they would be goners by now.

And here they were, in one of the top ten places to interact with good ol' strangers. Nothing better than getting ambushed by one or kidnapped or..... raaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaped.

With that gone over, the three were on their way to their first class together, when they heard music.

Percy could identify it easily, it was a guitar, his favorite instrument.

"Go on without me guys, I'm gonna go check it out." he said to his cousins Thalia and Nico.

"You sure?" they both asked.

"Yeah, really. I'll be fine."

"Don't get lost, please kelp-head!" called Thalia already on her way towards the door.

Percy laughed "Okay Thals, don't worry!"

They said their farewells and parted ways, Percy going in the opposite direction.

Her Happiness is Your Will - Percy Jackson X OCWhere stories live. Discover now