Chapter Fourteen

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"He can try," I didn't realize that what she had said had upset me until the sudden sense of defense hit me," if he's King, they'll have to listen."

She smiled gently," yes, he can try."

"Tell me more," I pushed away my now empty plate," about this life, The Underworld, if I'm eventually destined to be with someone from this world, I'd like to know more about it."

She let out a small giggle that sounded like the chimes of a bell," what would you like to know?"

"Where do the people of The Underworld live? Are they all in New York?"

"No, they're definitely not all in New York, we're everywhere, all over the world, some of us choose to live amongst the foreigners, while others, much like the village where you came from, tend to live only amongst each other."

I nodded," so I could have come across someone from The Underworld, I just-"

"You just wouldn't have been able to tell."

"What about the Council, would they have a problem with a human and someone from The Underworld being together, like you and Xavier."

"The Council doesn't care who you mate with. It was Xavier's parents that had a problem with it."

"So then what gets the Council's attention?"

"They are more concerned with all things that include all races of The Underworld like rouge attacks against humans or non-consenting foreigners being thrown into our world-"

"Isn't that me?" I said almost sarcastically," I'm a non-consenting foreigner."

"Yes, I'm actually surprised they haven't found out about you yet."

It was with the sudden realization that I realized neither Xavier nor Damon were anywhere to be seen.

"Where is Damon?" I asked, looking around.

"He left this morning with Xavier back to the castle, he mentioned that it was safer for you here, you might get some visitors at the castle if you were to return."

I remembered Mathoes and Elizebeth and realized that just be who he was talking about.

I nodded," Isabelle's cousin, they're just as bad as she is, I wish Damon could see that."

She placed her hands above mine," I know it doesn't seem like it but he does, he's just got that pride."

Her eyes shun with something much more genuine than concern. I gulped back my nerves when I had remembered the pleasure I had experienced from having Xavier feed off of me. Before I could utter the words and as if reading my mind, Asia said," yes, I know that Xavier fed off of."

"I-I'm sorry," I didn't know why I felt guilty but I did, almost as if he had cheated on her.

She simply smiled," he said you had very tasty blood."

"So he never planned on asking you to help me, he played me."

She nodded," Xavier may be an ass sometimes but he's a good guy once you get to know him."

Asia stood up and walked towards the high-hanging television. She grabbed the remote and scrolled through some channels," it's going to be a boring day here for you, I'm not sure when Damon is coming back, but I've got to get to work soon," she walked over to me and handed me the remote," please feel at home."

I smiled this time not having to force myself," thank you for everything."

She grabbed a bag and some keys that were hanging by the door and left me all alone in her massive place.

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