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2017 edit-Wow!! Thank you all for the love and support over the years. I never would have imagined that so many readers would see my little story. Thank you for reading and for all of your wonderfully kind comments. I sadly do not have the time to write much any more, I currently am focusing all of my energy on my art. Hopefully one day I will return to write more stories in the future, paired with some original illustrations! Until then, take care! Thank you again!! <3 


Ch. 1

Tears stream down my face. This was supposed to be my perfect life with my perfect husband in our perfect home. Wrong. Here I am, in the closet, hiding from the man I love. I can hear thunderous footsteps from upstairs. I can hear the deafening pounding as he stomps from stair to stair. I hear a crash from the room next door. He's getting closer. I try not to breathe. 

The closet door suddenly opens and I scream in terror. He grabs me and throws me over his shoulder. I'm still screaming and trying to break free as he carries me up the stairs. He locks the door to our room and throws me on the bed.

"You little slut!" He spits at me and slaps me hard across the cheek.

"I was just having lunch with Chris. Chris is just a friend. I love you John, I would never cheat on you, I promise!" I cry.

"Liar!" Another slap.

"Please believe me! Please don't hurt me anymore, I'll be a good wife and I'll love you forever! Please...please," I whimper.

"I never want to see you with Chris again. And no one is going to find out about this, right?" John squeezes my arm tightly.

"Okay okay! I promise! I won't tell a soul and I'll stop seeing Chris! Just stop squeezing my arm!" I feel so helpless. The sobs overcome me and the pain is overwhelming.

"Good." He releases his grip on my arm and kisses my forehead beforing leaving the room.

I pull myself into a fetal position and cry and sob until the tears stop streaming and I'm just heaving. I rub the small bump on my stomach. I didn't want to think about what John would do to the baby. What have I gotten myself into?

I shake my head, ending the painful memory. I walk over to the window in my office and stare out into the city. I try to remember a time when things were happy and peaceful, a time when I didn't have to wear long sleeved turtle necks everyday to hide the scars. I miss my old life. I had so many dreams and hopes. Where did it all go wrong?

We were so in love in high school. We decided to go away to different colleges, but we continued to date and our relationship survived all four years of college, despite the distance. After college was over, he asked me to marry him. I said yes in a heart beat. Little did I know was that the man I was marrying was a different man than the one I fell in love with.

During the four years we were apart, his mother abruptly left him and his father. I didn't realize the severity of the situation at the time, and certainly had no clue that this abandonment would unleash a monster. I was young and naïve, completely oblivious to the small changes that I should have noticed when we talked over the phone.

We married almost immediately after college. I didn't move in with him until after we got married. That was probably my biggest mistake. Maybe if I had seen the man he had turned into before we got married, I would have called the wedding off. I shake my head sadly, knowing that was a lie. I would've married him anyhow; I probably would have told myself lies about how he would get better, or that I could convince him to stop drinking and then everything would be perfect.

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