22. Not-So-Romantic Discussions

Start from the beginning

"I was just certain this was going to happen. I would kiss you, and then you'd blow up on me for having feelings for you. I don't know who I was kidding when I thought you might actually like me back. That's why I was regretting everything!"

"M-might?" I faltered. "How could there have been any doubt?" Now it was Alex's turn to look dumbfounded.

And then it clicked inside my head. No wonder he thought his feelings were not reciprocated; had I ever actually slipped up and let my emotions show?

"Oh God," I muttered. "Look, I know I don't usually-- "

"I don't have the patience for your sarcasm or ridicule right now, Meg," he snapped, but before he could turn away from me, I grabbed the front of his flannel shirt.

"Let me finish, Dipshit," I glared at him. "It's hard enough for me to talk about feelings without you being a PMS-ing bitch about it." He opened his mouth to argue, but I went on, anyway.

"I think you're a good person, probably the best person I've ever met." His eyes widened fractionally.

"When you pulled that whole carry-her-to-the-bed-so-she-doesn't-need-to-sleep-on-the-couch thing, I melted inside." His eyebrows continued their ascent up his forehead.

"You making me go see my mom, and going with me? Probably the most thoughtful thing anyone has done for me. And those are just the big things. Your dumbness? I hate it because it's too cute. Your laughter, and that little smile you sometimes flash at me, make my toes tingle. Your cologne, oh my God, it smells so good it should be illegal. I'd had to stop myself from kissing you at least six times before you grew some balls and did it yourself. A part of me wants to tear apart every bitch who smiles at you flirtatiously, or calls you hot, and another part of me agrees with their comments. I'm always saying you're not important because you've claimed the largest part of my heart, and until this moment, I wasn't ready to face that."

I could feel his breath hitch as he drew even closer.

"And...you're very hot when you curse. Like, hot with a capital T. That's probably all the compliments you're going to get out of me for now," I whispered, my breath also catching in my throat, "And I hope to God that it's enough."

By the time I registered the fact that we were kissing, he had me pinned against my own bike and feeling things that one should not feel in broad daylight, standing in a respectable neighborhood. So, of course it was the best moment of my seventeen-year-old life.

That is, until a very audible whisper floated towards my ear from the hedges on the opposite side of the road. "Get ready for some motorbike sex, people."

I pulled away from Alex and whirled to the side at the speed of light. Alex, looking a bit drunk, was a bit too late to understand what was going on, so he lost his balance and fell over the damn bike.

"What the fuckbrownie?" I yelled at Adam, Jack, and the girls as they popped out of their hiding place behind the neatly trimmed, two-feet-high hedges. "This was supposed to be a private moment!"

"We were dying to find out what happened," Terri said apologetically, "We couldn't stay away!"

"Besides, judging from how...ahem...intimate those last twenty seconds had been, I'd say you kids have had one too many private moments," Jack grinned.

I tried to glare, but the huge-ass grin on my face refused to leave.

"What the heck?" Alex groaned. That's when we all noticed the huge lump on his head.

"Oh shit! Are you hurt?" I crouched down to inspect him, and everyone else also approached.

"I see...four Adams. And a giant cupcake rolling down the street. And I also hallucinated that I made out with you against your bike for an eternity."

"That last one wasn't a hallucination," I told him, although I was having trouble believing it myself, "but it was only for twenty seconds, apparently."

He grinned in a dazed kind of way, before saying, "One of the Adams just exploded into popcorn."

"Yeah, let's get you to the hospital."




"The doctors say it's just a mild concussion and I can go home now, if I want. My mom refuses to pick me up because she thinks I was in some kind of gang-fight."

"Are you going to correct her?" I asked him while we walked into the hospital elevator leading to the ground floor.

"So that she can ask how many bases we've crossed? Nah. I'd rather get a drugs-are-bad-for-you lecture."

I snorted, and he immediately said, "I can't believe my girlfriend can imitate a horse so well."

"We've been dating for five hours or something and you've already gone through the emergency room once. So don't push your luck."

He grinned at me, before asking, "So don't you want to know why I like you?"

I raised an eyebrow. "Because I'm just too damn irresistible?"

"Yeah," he said thoughtfully, "and you don't care what others say about you, you stay true to yourself. You don't care that you're completely out of stereotype. Oh, and I have a thing for girls who have things for their brothers."

I was starting to feel very warm and fluttery until the last sentence.

"Do you want to fall off my bike and get another, much bigger concussion? 'Cause you're getting pretty close to getting one, Dipshit."

"I'll shut up, Biscuit, if that's gonna make you happy."


There was supposed to be a lot more drama before this but Alex and Meg just couldn't keep their hormones under control. Tbh I can't believe this story is ending; I wonder if this is how parents feel when their kids move out or get married or whatever.

But on that point, this is probably the last chapter of Judgmental Morons, because it feels right to end things here. I don't want to write about their wedding or kids or dates and etc. I think I'll leave that to your imaginations.

Thanks to all you people who've read this thing: I honestly did not expect so many reads or votes. Y'all are awesomesauce, and Meg and Alex give you their whole-hearted thank you for sticking with them.

BTW there's a line from Jet Black Heart in this chapter which I just had to include but it belongs to 5sos so yeah.

Adios everybody, I hope you guys liked the story as much as I enjoyed writing it.


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