9. I've "Finally Grown Up"

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"I'll just put on some of this curl impact mascara—"


"Well, then, let me use some of this cherry lipstick—"


"Fine, how about just a hint of blush—"


That was probably the last straw for Michelle, who went, "Listen here, Meg. I have waited for this opportunity for years, you hear me? Years! Now, you will do exactly what I say and let me put on whatever the hell I want on your face unless you want to end up bound and gagged inside a car trunk in the middle of Alaska!"

Jenna, Terri, and I were all gaping at her before I broke the silence. "Jeez, Michelle, it's a good thing my sass has been rubbing off on you, but do you have to use things I taught you against me?"

She spun my little revolving stool thingy around to face the mirror instead of replying. As she began slathering on God knows what all over my face, I attempted to evaluate myself. I'd already gotten ready on my own; I was wearing my favorite pair of ripped jeans with a simple white t-shirt and All Time Low hoodie when the girls showed up. The way they reacted, you'd think World War III had started.

Now, here I was, in a dark purple, knee-length dress that I didn't even remember owning. I was glad it wasn't sticking to my body, because that would be uncomfortable. It just sort of...flowed.

I'm not a judge from America's Next Top Model, okay? So excuse the shitty description of clothes.

My hair was down, soft curls lying across my shoulder, thanks to Michelle and her wonder objects (read: curling iron). After a few minutes, she pulled away, and I was relieved to see she'd kept things to a minimum. I still looked like myself, only better.

"Now it's time for perfume!" Terri screeched. "Honestly Meg, for someone who doesn't wear makeup, you have a pretty big collection of perfume," she commented.  I shrugged nonchalantly.

"I guess I just like perfume, for some weird-ass reason."

"Ooh how about this one? It smells so good, Adam will be all over you in no time," Terri exclaimed excitedly before squirting a huge puff of perfume at me, most of which went into my eyes and throat.

"Shit!" I let out a strangled yell, the sickly sweet substance burning at my throat.

"Oh no!! She's gonna die! SHE'S GOING TO DIE!!!"

"Relax Jenna, nobody's dying!" Michelle tried to calm the hysterical girl as I kept coughing. Terri kept going, "I'm so sorry, shit I'm so sorry Meg" and looked about ready to pass out.

Once I finally managed to get my respiratory system under control, though, things went back to normal.

Well, as normal as it can get around the four of us.  

"Guys, he's here!"

The way the girls started running around the room like blind geese, you'd think they were going on dates with the President's son.

"Please stay calm and try not to set the place on fire," I told them as I laced up my black sandals.

"We're going over to Michelle's, actually."

"Well, then, try not to burn her house down." 

As I walked out the door and up to a very relaxed and hot looking Adam (the fuck?) the girls called out from behind.

"Bye Meg!"

"Don't chew with your mouth open!"

"Don't rub at your eyes, you'll smudge your mascara!"

"Don't put your feet up on his dashboard!"

"Try not to smear your lipstick while eating!" 

"Yeah, save it for the kissing!"

I tried very hard to ignore them, and Adam, who was grinning like the Cheshire cat, as I climbed into the passenger's seat. A few moments later, Adam got in next to me.

"Drive," was the first thing I said.

"Gladly," he replied with an amused grin on his face.




The "I'm-not-sure-if-this-is-a-date" had left me unsure of my feelings, as seemed to be the case with anything related to Adam. We'd been to a dainty little coffee shop full of super sappy couples. We seemed to be the only normal people there. After ordering coffee (Well, Adam ordered the coffee, but I let him go ahead, even though this was the second time he did this) we started discussing the most random things ever.

Let me tell you, it was far from being awkward, but our conversations just proved that we were really, really alike, which was confusing the crap out of me.

"So," he mumbled as he pulled into my driveway, "this was fun."


"I guess I'll see you at school tomorrow?"

"Yeah, I guess. Bye!"

I quickly clambered out of the car after that. It was clear he wasn't sure if he wanted to make a move or not, but I wanted to leave before he made up his mind. I didn't feel like playing out those cliché scenes in movies where the guy moves in and the girl pulls back and the guy has to pretend he was just practicing a new dance move of some sort.

One thing was certain though; whatever I wanted, I did not want a kiss from Adam.

A/N: okay.

This is probably the worst piece of writing out there, and I apologize. I just had zero inspiration for this chapter and I have this buttload of work waiting and I need a shower and I need to pee...you get the picture.

Again, I'm sorry, but don't worry, the next chapter will be loads better, and I'll try to put it up ASAP


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