7. Even My Bathroom Isn't Safe

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Yaaay! Update after an eon :) I know the chapter is kinda sorta weird but it'll get better in the next chapter so don't hate.

Thanks to all the people who are reading this, and especially to those who are commenting and voting. This chapter is dedicated to the lovely TanithloWrites, for being my biggest supporter here on Wattpad.

Okay, enough ranting. Hope you like it, and comment and vote! Don't be a ghost reader!!

Giggles rippled through the car as the girls laughed at yet another one of Alex’s jokes. After the mall incident, Terri, Alex and I had gotten a text from a rather angry Jack, reminding us that we were late for practice. Conveniently, Alex didn’t have his car, and of course Michelle had to offer him a ride, and of course Alex graciously accepted. So here he was now, crammed in the back seat with Terri and Jenna, cracking jokes ,while I rode shotgun next to Michelle, our usual driver. 

The  most infuriating part was that the asshole’s jokes were actually funny.

Thankfully, Jack’s place was just a ten minute ride, and before I died from supressing laughter, we’d arrived. 

As we trampled up the driveway towards the garage where we practiced, Terri fell in step with me, a little behind the others. “He really isn’t as mean as you make him out to be.”

I snorted, but she ignored it and continued. “In fact, he isn’t like the cocky, smartass badboy we expected him to be. You’d think a guy that hot would be at least a little arrogant.”

“I thought you were drooling over the star quarterback?”

“I’m not drooling over him!” Terri giggled, “Alex is just...nice. Jeff, on the other hand, is supposed to come over tonight for the project.” Her face was practically glowing as she said this, and I couldn’t help but feel a sense of foreboding.

“Terri, I don’t want to sound like a bitch, but I also want to look out for you. Just...be careful around him, okay? He’s no Alex Richards; he really is known as a hardcore player.I don’t want to see you get hurt, because if he does something to you, I’m gonna have to kick his balls until they’re nice and sore.”

I threw in a joke at the end to make it seem lighter than it actually was. Terri replied with a small smile and whispered, “I know. I’ll be careful.”

“So you guys finally decided to show up,” Jack’s voice, dripping with sarcasm,  boomed out as we strolled into the garage.

“Wow Jack, it seems like you have learned a thing or two from me over the past year,” I said with pride evident in my voice. Jack had to bite his lip to maintain a straight and serious face. 

“Sorry Jack,” Alex said in a grave tone, “It was all Meg’s fault, really.”

“It so was not!”

“Was too.”

“Was not.”

“Was too.”

“Was not.”

“Was too. You’re the one who---” Not giving him a chance to finish, I grabbed a cookie from the platter that was sitting on Adam’s lap and thrust it into Alex’s mouth. My lips curled into a satisfactory smirk as Alex tried to close his mouth around the gargantuan cookie (Jack’s mom made deliciously huge cookies) while Adam and the girls roared with laughter. That is, until Jack bellowed, “ENOUGH!!!”

We all shut up and turned our gazes at him.

“The competition is barely a month away, and we haven’t even decided what song we’re gonna play! We have actual work to do, and it’ll only slow us down if the drummer and vocalist are gonna be squirting each other with water guns and questioning each other’s sexual orientation in public and making each other choke on cookies,” Jack took a deep breath, his nasty glare still fixed on Alex and me, before continuing, “I know it’s hopeless to get you to apologise, so I want you guys to at least be civil to each other, at least during practice. Just for the sake of this band, try not to asphyxiate each other. Please,” Jack added in a softer tone. Alex smiled apologetically, and I grunted. 

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