8. I "volunteer" For Tutoring

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I was planning on putting up two chapters at once, but I've been in such a shit mood for the last 24 hours that every creative thought has left my head.

Don't you guys just love me?

Anywho, don't forget to vote and comment!!!

(Dedicated to @Happyendings12 and her bat-shit craziness)

The frosty wind bit at my face as I removed my helmet. My fingers had gone numb during the fifteen minute bike ride from my house to school. Still, I liked the cold.

After securing my helmet to my bike to make sure no one would be able to steal it (believe me, people at my school are more than capable of doing so), I jogged up to the steps leading into the building. To my relief, I found the people I was looking for standing on the top step and chatting; Michelle, Terri, and Alex.

“Hi Michelle!” My squeal scared myself, so no wonder the girls were giving me funny looks. I just hoped they’d go with it, though, or else the entire thing would be blown.

“Um...hi?” Michelle’s statement came out as a question as I pulled her into a bone-crushing hug.

This may come as a huge surprise, but I’m not really much of a hugger.

“Oh my God Terri, I’ve missed you!” I screamed, even though she’d been over for band practice last night, before wrapping my arms around her as well. She and Michelle were both quite stumped about what was going on, judging from the dumbfounded expressions on their faces.

Thankfully, they held their tongues as I continued.

“Alex! Hi!”

“Did you get hit by a lorry on your ride to school or something?” Alex asked as I pulled him into a hug as well. He obviously didn’t notice the piece of paper crumpled in my fist; I swiftly managed to stick it to the back of his shirt on the pretext of rubbing his back to display my “joy”.

“You’re quite the cuddler, aren’t you?” he chuckled, “But all the same, I suggest you skip school and go for a full body checkup.”

I pulled away, but not before making sure the little piece of tape had secured the sign on his back. Trying to exhale out the smell of chocolate, Irish Spring, and Alex from my nasal passage, I frowned at him.

“Most people say thank you.”

“Well, most people make small talk on first dates instead of revealing life-scarring truths about themselves and their brother,” was his snide reply. The girls, having recovered their senses, giggled at this rather sheepishly, while I glared, my chocolate brown eyes meeting his bright green ones.

“There’s the Meg I know...Anyway, I have a class to get to, see you guys later!” He waved at the girls, stuck his tongue out at me(you’d think we were pre-schoolers) and sauntered off, a white sign on his back saying “Beware: Sucks his own Dick” in bright green letters.

Terri was the first to notice, and she immediately burst into a fit of giggles. Michelle took a little longer to figure out what was going on.

“You’re so mean to him, Meg,” she said, chortling, “He’s such a nice guy, you shouldn’t harass him like that.”

“He’s not nice to me,” I pointed out, “Didn’t you see how he stuck his tongue out at me?”

“But Jack specifically told you guys to lay off each other’s backs.”


“Umm...well, this is harmless,” I tried to defend myself, but Terri shot me a knowing glance.

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