10.I'm Drumming for the Bunnyhoppers

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"What do you mean, you don't want to kiss him?" Terri's furious whisper only reached my ears, thanks to Alex, who was singing "My Songs Know What You Did in the Dark" in a very loud and perfect voice (no, not perfect. Just loud). Adam was strumming along while Jack and I were taking a break. I'd decided   (rather foolishly) that now was a good time to tell the girls all about last night and was beginning to regret it immensely.

"Well, you know, I just...I think this is going too fast. I need time. Time to think."

"Since when do you think?" Michelle asked while Jenna snorted. "He's HOT, what else do you want?"

"Yeah, hotness seemed to have been enough for you last time," Terri said smugly. Her comment took me down memory lane, making me recall sophomore year, when I'd managed to get in a relationship with an extremely good-looking Spanish exchange student. He had that typical toned chest, silky black hair, and exotic features look.

Needless to say, neither of us had taken our time, so it didn't really end well. Boy-wise, though, it was my greatest achievement until now.

"I know," I said in reply to Terri, "But this time, I want to do it right. I want something that has meaning." Leaving the girls stumped at my remark, I made my way back to the drums.

Once again, the guys started up, but it was taking all my willpower to maintain the beat, thanks to a certain prick with an amazing voice that kept distracting me. Seriously, the world is just so unfair. Why did the asshole get the hot voice?

And then there was the fact that I had to go to his house to tutor him. For all I knew, his room would probably be painted pink with pictures of unicorns and "Recycle Paper" posters taped to the walls.

This thought aggravated me greatly, so I poured all my angst out through drumming, which I guess helped improve my performance.

"Not bad, guys," Jack grinned at us as we packed our things half an hour later. Well, as they packed their things. We'd been practicing at my house again, since Jack's cousin had suddenly refused to let us practice with his drum set, and moving mine across three neighborhoods on a daily basis would be too much hassle.

"Not bad?" Terri asked incredulously. "We're awesome!"

"Let's not get ahead of ourselves, okay?" Of course, none of us paid much attention to Jack. We never did, really.

"We still haven't picked a band name, though," Alex piped up from the back.

"Wait, what? What did you sign us up as?" I asked Jack.

"Um...Jack and the bunnyhoppers?"

"Oh my God, that's such a cute name!" Jenna squealed.

"What the fuckbrownie?" I exclaimed.

"Are you serious right now?" Adam sounded exasperated.

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