August 26th, 2014 23:37

32 7 9

"The family of Devon Andrews."

We had all been sitting here for about three hours. The silence was our comfort, because none of us dared to say a word. None of us knew what to say.

Devon's mom, aunt and uncle, and two of his cousins were there. My father, and Liz with her mom, our friend from school, made it a little while later. At one point they each tried to make small talk, but they saw the expression on my face, so each shut their mouth.

Me, I had been sitting there staring into space for the entire time. I had read just about every poster in the room, about four times. That got old really fast.

Once the doctor walked into the room, every person focused on her.

Mrs. Andrews rushed up to the woman.

"I would like to speak to you. You're his mother, correct?"

"Yes." Dev's mom answered to the doctor.

"What about us?" I asked from my seat. My own voice sounded foreign to me.

"Are you related to him?" I studied the woman standing just a few feet from me at the moment.


"I am so sorry but it is family only. If any one else here is related to him, you guys are more than welcome to come though."


"Family only."

I had not even realized that I was standing, I only realized when I fell back down on my chair.

"If anyone, she should be the one going. She has been here for hours." I'm not even sure who said that.

"I am so sorry, but I have to follow the rules. She can see him tomorrow morning, but not tonight. Visiting hours are long past over." The woman apologized. At this point, I couldn't put up a fight. Any other day, and I would have argued till I got my way.

"That isn't fair." I have cried too much tonight, but it does not seem like I can stop it. How can she tell me to come back tomorrow, when he is still here? Holding on to what life he has left. "It's not freaking fair!" I see my dad walking over to me, when he reaches the seat that I am in, he put his hands on my shoulder in attempt to comfort me. I'm not quite sure that will help.

Meanwhile, everyone else was looking at me with sympathetic eyes.

"I'm sorry."

"It's fine Mrs. Andrews. You go ahead." I gave her the best smile I could.

Mrs. Andrews along with Devon's aunt, uncle, and cousins followed the doctor to wherever it was she was leading them.

August 27th, 2014 00:00

"I think we are going to head home Kristen. We'll come back when visiting hours are here." Liz's mom voiced to me.

"Yeah. Okay."

Was that even a sentence?

"Are you going to be okay Kris? Actually nevermind, dumb question...well we're gonna head out. I'll see you." Liz and her mother depart.

"What am I gonna do dad?" I cry as he sits down next to me and I rest my head on his shoulders.

"There isn't much you can do at this point."

"That's what kills me." My silent sobs lead to a giant wet stain of tears on his shirt.

He places an arm around me. "Just know this, if he makes'll be you who saved his life."

After the BeepTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang