Chapter 1

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"You're going to Camp Getaway!"

"What's that??" I asked my mom all worried.

"It's a camp for teenagers who need something to do for a few weeks on their summer vacation!" My mom seemed excited.

"So your saying I have no life?" I asked.

"No mija listen, I just want you to get away from everything for awhile. I know you're just starting recovery but I want you to think about things. I love you and I don't want everything happening at once."

I swear every time my mom talks I can't help but smile. She always makes me feel better.

"Your leaving on Friday! I know it's short notice but I know you'll have a great time!" My mom told me.

"I guess I'll start packing since its 3 days away." I went up to my room quickly to tell my friends.

It was really hard telling my friends about everything because for some reason, it was really hard talking about that even if I did know them since elementary school.

Friday was in 3 days and I was actually pretty excited. Hopefully things go well.

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