turning point ....

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Jake's pov

As I was in the car on  my way home I  started thinking of the conversation Nick and I had ... a long while ago :

It all started the night of the party. So the party was over and everybody was headed home. I then saw Nick with some other girl. Valerie I think. Arg he was at it again. I wondered where Michelle was. He had come to the party with her. I mean he is the one that invited her to the party for crying out loud. The lad has issues.
Later I talked to him ...

"Ooi where's Michelle?  I thought you came with her "
"Arg. .. yeah her, fuck she saw me kissing Val and then she ran off before I could talk to her ?
"You bloody idiot .... why you so stupid sometimes? She's  hot dude " I say disbelievingly.
"Yeah! Yeah i know but you know, she left and then Val came onto me like ON TO ME and one thing lead to the next !" He says smirking. Idiot. !
"Did you even try and look for her again and make sure she is okay ?" I ask annoyed by his inssistant ignorance.
"Ow...uh...not really. Actually ... I was "
"Son of a... you know what..  let's go look for her now" we then went and looked for her all over but we couldn't find her anywhere.

"Ow you bloody idiot now we can't find her, how could you do such ?" I shouted at him.
"Sorry man, sorry okay ... man you British can be so emotional"
"Shut up!" I snapped at him.
After arguing some and not finding her and it was late we went home.

After some days Nick had seemed to have foregotten about Michelle (it's in his nature as a Mitch afterall .man-bich) but I just had to make sure she was okay so I went and talked to Nick.
"Nick so have you heard from Michelle ?"
"Uh...no I haven't really... talked to her or thought about her lately "
"Dude you sure you told me the whole story?"
"Yeah dude why?" He looks nervous
"Ey spill it whats the whole truth  ?"

"Damn dude come on"
"Nick I tell you everything. I even told you about my one seceret that I haven't told to anyone. Spill "
"Arg... I hate it when you do that ... why you wanna know so much about her anyways, she's just some girl "
"Nick spill, tell me what happened "
"Fine I'll tell you but you can't tell a soul !"  "Seriously !"
"Okay okay Nick tell already..."

He then told me what happened. How Michelle  had caught him kissing Val just as he had told me before but the part thst he had left out was that he then looked for Michelle and had found her drinking and she was drunk and when he tried to stop her she shouted at him and he just gave up and walked awey leaving her there by herself with a bunch of strangers.

"Nick how could you just walk awey dude, you should have taken her home. Who knows what could have happened to her. You idiot "
"I know. But I'm sure she is safe and why do you seriously Care  for her so much damn man like really dude ? Is there something you aint telling me ? I mean she's just some girl right ? It's not like this is the first time this has happened anyways ..she ain't my type anyway "
"Thats not the point, you just can't do that, dude you know where she lives right ?"
"Yeah i picked her up why?"
"Gimme her address I wanna go over there and make sure that she is okay " I said

"Dude she's just some girl why you trippin ?"
"She is not just SOME .... ( I sigh) ok just give me her address and I'll explain to you why she is not just some girl. "
"Okay cool " he then gave it to me
"okay so here is the story ..."

I then reminded him of the seceret that  I had told him which I have not told to anyone else not even my twin brother. He then nodded that he remembered. Then I told him Michelle  is not just 'some girl' and I connected her to my seceret completing the whole story.

"Ohhh damn! DUDE ! Jack! Man that's intense so she's ... the girl .... damn dude !"
"Yeah she's the girl! That's why I have to go and make sure she is okay "
"So I guess it's a good thing I didn't hook up with her then" he says smirking slyly at me
"Yeah damn right !"
"Ok dude.  Good luck ey! So you ever gonna tell her your seceret?"
"One day when the time is right "

The following day I went to check up on Michelle  (chapter 20)
I couldn't get myself to tell her the truth so I just played along. Least did I know how intense things would really actually get. And how much harder it would become for me to tell her my truth.

That night when  I got back  home Nick questioned me on what had happened. And I told him. I also told him that she didn't remember what had happened that night. And that I  did not say a word. Like I had promised and that she was okay....

Eventually Michelle  and I started dating and etc... Nick knew all about it and he told me that  I should tell Michelle about my secret(s) that I'm keeping from her. But I just couldn't do it ... then the day came when mihelle and I were at Starbucks and Nick 'showed up' (he knew we were  there)  I got nervous and frustrated. I didn't want him to say anything or do anything to gerpordise things. That day was NOT my day.

First the group of girls almost ruined things for me but luckily Michelle  left (I dodged that bullet thank God ) but Nick showing up added some much unneeded stress. I felt like he was up to something. It seemed keeping my secerets was becoming harder.

So later on Nick and I had an argument about everything and it all started because he showed up at Starbucks  (he had  known that we would be there cause I told him so he wouldn't show up by 'accident')
"What were you bloody thinking showing up? You knew very well that we would be there, are you up to somethin? Trying to ruin things for me ?"
"Nah bru calm down, I just wanted  to see her. It's bee a while. Man she is sexy !" He said sounding cocky
"Yeah yeah and she is mine ! you made me nervous "
""Yeah yeah whatever "
"Don't bloody whatever me " I then grabbed him by the shirt gritting my teeth seething with anger
"Don't freekin fuck this up for me okay ?"
"You think I'd do that man?" He questioned releasing himself from my grip " all for some girl .."
"Shes not just some girl! I'm serious Nick !"
"Whatever! You so frustrating bra calm the fuck down "
"Okay! Just don't push me!" I then stormed out the room I needed space. Things we're becoming a bit much to handle.

Shortly after Michelle had invited me to come over to hang at the house and that's when she questioned me about Nick popin up at Starbucks. Fuck things just seemed to be going downhill.!

It just can't get any worse at this point! I just couldn't deal. I then decided in that moment that tomowwor I'd tell Michelle the truth. Tell her abut everything. Enough secerets. I seriously can't risk loosing her. I can't let it go on. I can't let things get worse.
HER ! ..


........... ?

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